There are a lot of customs from the old time that are almost forgotten We tried to find some of the most know also in nowdays, that we also celebrate with our families or are celebrated still in countryside
Previously, the feast was celebrated mostly from Saturday evening to Tuesday morning,. However, the actual preparation for the feast began many days before cleaning houses and backyard. The feast is celebrated with the whole family, including distant relatives. The more guests, the greater homage to the hostess. Two days beforeFeast, on Friday were killed chickens, ducks and geese to be enough meat. Striplings built on the village green and high straight Feast maypole, decorated with colorful ribbons as a witness and guardian of the upcoming festivity. On the Saturday before the Sunday feast was sent friends from around the cake with an invitation to come to feast. Cakes began to be called "invitation". Along with pies was baked Goose Feast. On Sunday it was festive lunch, which was served after returning from a celebratory mass. Traditionally on the table couldn´t miss a variety of cakes, duck or goose with cabbage and dumplings, sauces and beer to wash it down. People talked at lunch and talked about crops, livestock, a wedding, a funeral, discussed the short, everything that had happened since their last meeting. After lunch we went to the church for the blessing, and a blessing was over, there was music from the pub or the area where he was placed maypole.
Vintage comes to the period between harvest the fields and autumn sowing. In regions where were vineyards the vintage belonged to the biggest festivals. Women gather grapes into baskets and then they were taken into vats. But this was preceded by an old habit. On the eve of the feast of the birth of the Virgin Mary, especially in regions in southern Moravia "Bewildered mountain". Burčák- is partially fermented juice of the fruit of the vine
On the date 1/11 falls All Saints 'Day and Memorial Day all deaths - All Souls' Day. Both days people reminisced on their deceased relatives and friends. On these days, everyone came to the cemetery where the tombs are cleaned, decorated by wreaths, flowers. People it a candle in order to pass in silence pray for the salvation of souls.
The first kites came from China from the 4th century In our country is very populat to fly kites, especcialy in autumn The legend says, that firtst kites were flown to scare the storms or enemies
Saint Martin is a patron of soldiers, horses, riders, geese and wine growers. The adage says, that if it snows on the the winter is comming, because Saint Martin is comming on his white horse. In our own language we say "Martin na bílém koni". It´s also an important day for wine growers. On Saint Martin´ s day the first young wine is opened and tasted from this year´s harvest. In the Czech republic is this feast also connected with food, because in these days it´s a habit to eat "Svatomartinskou husu" what is goose with cabbage and dumplings.
In the time of advent before Christmas there was not allowed to have any festivity, dance and sing. So on the Saint Katherina´s day it was the last chance to enjoy dance festivity and everyone tried to use this time as much as could. The custom was, that at this night only women were in charge. They had to pay for music and also for drinks of their partners, prepare refreshment and they also chose who are they dancing with. Only at midnight there was a man choice. There was also habit, that on this day it wasn´t allowed to work with anything what has wheel, like windmill or spinning wheel.
Saint Andrew was one of apprentices of Jesus and he was a fisherman Saint Andrew´s day was in the past very important for prophecy On his day girl wanted to get know if they got merried or who they would merry He is the patron of brides