Leo Greiner IPHC beam test Beam tests at the ALS and RHIC with a Mimostar-2 telescope
Leo Greiner IPHC beam test STAR Detector at RHIC
Leo Greiner IPHC beam test HFT PIXEL Readout Functional Goals Triggered detector system fitting into existing STAR infrastructure (Trigger, DAQ, etc.) Deliver full frame events to STAR DAQ for event building at approximately the same rate as the TPC (1 KHz for DAQ1000). Reduce the total data rate of the detector to a manageable level (< TPC rate). Reliable, robust, cost effective, etc.
Leo Greiner IPHC beam test Mimostar Data Flow System Goal: 10 Sensors / Ladder 33 Ladders 135M Pixel
Leo Greiner IPHC beam test Data examined Per clock cycle Implemented in FPGA on daughter card Raster scan
Leo Greiner IPHC beam test Cluster Finder Efficiency Real Data taken with MIMOSTAR2 detectors by IPHC Traditional ADC Sum Method2 Threshold FPGA method Cut on the central pixel goes from 14 to 8 ADC counts (left to right) every 1 ADC. 1 ADC = 7.1 e-.
Leo Greiner IPHC beam test PIXEL Data Rates (1 KHz) R1 (2.5cm) = 52.9 / cm 2 R2 (6.5cm) = / cm 2 R3 (7.5cm) = 8.76 / cm 2 (at L = ) 2.5 hits / cluster 4 ms integration time Address data rate (no event format overhead) Average event size = 114 KB Data Rate = 114 MB/sec at 1KHz 59.6 MB/s L = 3 x 10 27
Leo Greiner IPHC beam test Prototype 3 Sensor Telescope We tested the functionality of a prototype MIMOSTAR2 detector at the LBNL ALS and then in the environment at STAR during the last three weeks of the run at RHIC. Our goal was to gather information on: Charged particle environment near the interaction region in STAR. Performance of our cluster finding algorithm. Performance of the MIMOSTAR2 sensors. Functionality of our interfaces to the other STAR subsystems. Performance of our hardware / firmware as a system. The noise environment in the area in which we expect to put the final PIXEL detector.
Leo Greiner IPHC beam test Telescope Electronics / RDO STRATIX DAUGHTER CARD RORC SIU MimoStar2 chips on kapton cables MOTHER BOARD Acquisition Server (Linux) Control PC (Win)
Leo Greiner IPHC beam test Telescope Sensors and Mechanical Housing 3 MIMOSTAR2 chips mounted as close together as reasonably possible on low mass kapton cables in a telescope configuration.
Leo Greiner IPHC beam test Mimostar2 Telescope test at the ALS 1.2 GeV electrons at the ALS Booster Test Facility Important Due to un-terminated DAC pads on the sensor, our noise level was double the value achieved under ideal conditions at IPHC in France. IPHC =>11-15 electrons at 30º C LBL => electrons at 28º C MPV = 49 (Standard) and 43 (Radtol) ADC counts at ~230 electrons
Leo Greiner IPHC beam test Efficiency and Accidental rates for ALS test Merged cluster data – typically 2-3 hits per cluster. Increased noise in sensors results in reduced performance.
Leo Greiner IPHC beam test Telescope Installed at STAR Magnet Pole Tip Electronics Box Beam Pipe Telescope head – 1.45 m from interaction point just below beam pipe.
Leo Greiner IPHC beam test STAR Prototype Run Results Typical CDS full frame event in one sensor. Clusters are clearly visible above the noise level. Measured charged particle flux was ~ 3.9 merged clusters per sensor (1.7 µs integration time, L=8 cm -2 s -1 ). Noise level of system in the STAR environment was 7.48 ADC counts, comparable to laboratory and ALS measurements. Prototype system integrated with STAR Trigger, slow control and run control sub-systems. Events delivered to DAQ standard RDO PC. TLD measured dose at head position, 325 rad over running time. This scales to an integrated dose of several hundred Krad / run.
Leo Greiner IPHC beam test Distribution of track angles in Mimostar2 telescope
Leo Greiner IPHC beam test Summary for beam runs RDO system with data sparsification implemented and functional for Mimostar2 sensors. Prototype system characterized, but with increased noise. Fully functioning interfaces between our prototype detector and STAR detector infrastructure. Completed measurements of detector environment at STAR including induced electronic noise.
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