ESTIMATING THE 6m TAGGER ACCEPTANCE Thomas Schörner-Sadenius, UHH Hamburg, DESY 10 February 2006 Sorry for not being around – cought some funny form of flue … And thanks again to Tim for presenting things I had not time to properly explain to him.
DESY, 10 February 2006TSS: 6m Tagger2 REPETITION Correlation of 6mT x position and spectrometer energy Use correlation of x position in tagger as taken from rather rough tagger reconstruction and nicely calibrated spectrometer energy measurement to take into account all dipole effects. Assuming for this more or less pure Bethe-Heitler (BH) sample with electrons under 180 o (Tim on validity of this assumption?). Idea Reasonable x range on tagger surface BH acceptance GeV. Acceptance This line for acceptance (tagger not well calibra- ted?) Next steps Photoproduction events with angle to beam axis, quadrupole effects.
DESY, 10 February 2006TSS: 6m Tagger3 ANGLES WITH Z AXIS lead to shifts in x,y position on surface No change in energy acceptance – electron slowly falls out of tagger surface effect on acceptance via Q 2. Idea for y Idea for x Change in x position also leads to varying energy acceptance. Result for x tan x energy Bethe-Heitler acceptance (see slide before) Change in acceptance indicated by 2 red lines. Calculate Q 2 from angles and calculate acceptance as function of Q 2 and E. but quadrupole GI?
DESY, 10 February 2006TSS: 6m Tagger4 EFFECT OF GI QUADRUPOLE Use matrix formalism from linear optics Quadrupole Matrix With x,x’ position and tangens of angle to z axis, p momentum, g magnet strength (known). (this is for focusing plane, use hyperbolic functions in defocusing plane). GI magnet Focusing in y plane, defocusing in x, strength and position known Calculate effect on position and thus on acceptance. Result on next slide (veeery close to result shown WITHOUT quadrupole two weeks ago).
DESY, 10 February 2006TSS: 6m Tagger5 RESULT Tagger acceptance as function of Q 2 and E log 10 (Q 2 /GeV 2 ) E/GeV acceptance
DESY, 10 February 2006TSS: 6m Tagger6 RESULT different binnings in Q 2, E log 10 (Q 2 /GeV 2 ) E/GeV acceptance1-acceptance Acceptance can be provided as function of Q 2 and E in histogram, text file, …
DESY, 10 February 2006TSS: 6m Tagger7 PROJECTIONS on Q 2, E axis – limited use in this analysis Problem is that initial sample not really physical – only single bins in Q2 and E plane can be considered – but not the projections on the axes. (flatly generated distributions of E and tan in ~arbitrarily limited regions). These projections only give feeling for behaviour of acceptance, especially for Q 2 distribution – naively expected to be flat for some range … E/GeVlog 10 (Q 2 /GeV 2 ) a.u.
DESY, 10 February 2006TSS: 6m Tagger8 RESULTING VALUES in histogram file In /afs/ 111 acceptance in finest binning in log 10 Q 2 (80 bins from –10 to -1) and E (22 bins from 4-15 GeV) acceptance in coarser bins (Q 2 : 36 from –9 to –1, E: 22 from 4 to 15 GeV) acceptance in same bins acceptance in still coarser bins (Q 2 : 24 from –9 to –1, E: 11 from 4 to 15 GeV) acceptance in same bins acceptance in even still coarser bins (Q 2 : 18 from –9 to –1, E: 11 from 4 to 15 GeV) acceptance in same bins
DESY, 10 February 2006TSS: 6m Tagger9 CROSS-CHECK Using full matrix formalism for all magnet elements Problem GG magnet designed for 30 GeV electrons. Our 5-10 GeV are no small deviation from this nominal value, linear approximations don’t work as effect we get large dependance on position of tagger wrt to beam line not simply feasible. Approximately similar – but large uncertainties.
DESY, 10 February 2006TSS: 6m Tagger10 SUMMARY uncertainties, todos, … Wait for Tim’s result with sufficient statistics and reasonable Q 2 range do both results agree (more or less)? In which format do the PILERS want the results? Some uncertainties: -- composition of sample to derive correlation between spectrometer energy and tagger x position -- active tagger surface – I was rather conservative – so it might be that the actual acceptance is systematically a bit larger … -- … (please see last talk two weeks ago).