Home Carbon Footprint Reduction Some ways to reduce your Carbon Footprint at home: –Reduce dryer usage –Wash cloths with cold water –Regulate your in home temperature –Turn off or unplug appliances when not being used. –Buy used furniture –Set refrigeration temperatures –Reduce water in your toilet Placing a liter bottle filled with water in your tank can save 300 gallons of water a month –Use dishwashers rather than washing them by hand Using dishwashers uses less hot water than doing them by hand –Replace incandescent bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs. (CFL’s) Switching one bulb to a CFL can save 150 pounds of CO2
Work Carbon Footprint Reduction Turn off lights and equipment when not in use Use printers less often Recycle on business trips Ask about switching your company to green electricity Use less paper Bring personal coffee cups - Buying a cup of coffee every day can use up to 20 pounds of paper each year Put computers into sleep mode which can cut energy use up to 70% Use eco-friendly cleaning supplies that are not toxic to the environment Provide recycling bins to encourage others to recycle as well
Travel Carbon Footprint Reduction Car Pool Keep vehicle serviced Often Check tire pressure Avoid carrying unnecessary weight Avoid using air conditioning if all possible Harsh acceleration and braking can use up to 30% more fuel Drive with windows closed; it reduces the drag When searching for a new car, look for a high mph rating Avoid congested roadways Plan your car route to save time and gas For local travel, walk, take a bus, or ask a friend If your going to be stationary for more then 2 minutes, consider turning you car off.
Other ways to Reduce your Carbon Footprint Buy both organic and local foods Buy products that use minimal amounts of packaging Drink tap water rather than bottled water Weather proof your home Eat less meat Buy newer cars that are eco-friendly Create a compost pile to throw scrap food and yard waste Install solar panels Bring your own bags to the store instead of using plastic bags Decrease shower time Buy something secondhand rather than something new
Works Cited on_footprint.jpghttp:// on_footprint.jpg htmlhttp:// html bon_footprint_at_workhttp://healthyplanet.glam.com/topics/detail/how_to_reduce_your_car bon_footprint_at_work