A First Step into the Pelagia: Linking Bottom Water Hypoxia to the Vertical Distribution of Fishes on the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico Shelf Elliott Hazen, Kevin Craig, Caroline Good, and Larry Crowder Duke University Marine Lab, Beaufort, NC
Introduction Tommy Munro (July 19-Aug 1, 2004) Two sites in GoM 41 station subset Day: Night:
Hypotheses 1.There is less total biomass within the hypoxic zone compared to normoxic bottom waters. 2.Horizontal distribution of biomass will be greater at hypoxic edges declining with distance. 3.Vertical distribution of fish differs between areas with normoxic and hypoxic bottom waters
Methods CTDs measured: Temperature Salinity Dissolved oxygen Paired trawls Flat and Mongoose Downward looking 120 kHz SIMRAD EK60 echosounder Volume backscatter (Sv) in decibels (dB)
Data Analysis Sonar 5 Pro for acoustic data, -90 dB threshold, 1 meter bins Spatial Statistics –Thin plate spline interpolations for DO –Spatial regression on all stations (Mantel 1967) –Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) for non- linear and linear components Run separately for stations with hypoxic (< 2.0 mgO 2 ·L -1 ) and normoxic bottom waters
Hypoxic mean = dB Normoxic mean = dB Results Site A Site B Site A mean = dB Site B mean = dB
Acoustic Station Trawls Bumper Croaker Anchovies Other Fish 53% 38% 8% 4%
Mantel’s Test Depth (m) Temp. Salin. Time of Day Hyp.Thick O2O2 SpaceBackscatter Bathym. Dist.Edge
Normoxic / Hypoxic Station 38 Station 55
G62 – Hypoxic, Night, DO= 1.0 mgO 2 ·L -1 11,618 croaker, 88 other fish Stations 17m 1m
G106 – Normoxic, Night, DO= 4.5 mgO 2 ·L bumper, 14 other fish Stations 7m 1m
Vertical Profiles 7
Relative Biomass Even distribution
GAMs Normoxic Hypoxic
GAMs Normoxic Hypoxic
GAMs Normoxic Hypoxic
GAMs Normoxic Hypoxic
Conclusions 1.Evidence of fish biomass within the boundaries of the hypoxic zone 2.The relationship with the horizontal edge was complex and not linearly significant 3.Vertical compaction above hypoxic bottom waters –Vertical avoidance –Altered diel migration –Potential food web interactions
Acknowledgements NOAA Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research
G47 – Hypoxic, DO= 0.5 mgO 2 ·L -1 3 total fish: 1 croaker, 2 bumper Stations
Trawl At Acoustic Stations Bumper Anchovies Other Fish
Catches nAnchovyBumperCroakerOther_Fishtotal_fish day-norm night-norm day-hyp night-hyp