starter Does everyone have the right to be a parent? What implications does this have? Discuss with your group and note down your ideas on your whiteboards.
Fertility Treatment Lesson Objective: To consider the definition of and responses to fertility treatment
Copy and complete this paragraph: Fertility treatment is used when people want to have ___________ but are unable to conceive ____________. This maybe because they have a _____________ problem or because they are in a ______________ relationship. Some women may want a baby but have stopped their ____________. Other people are not in a ____________ but still want a baby. medicalchildrenrelationship Homosexual naturallyperiods. 1.What is your opinion on fertility treatment? Should people be able to have a baby without conceiving naturally? (try to think about both sides of the argument) 2.What are the ethical/philosophical questions surrounding this issue?
How might Fertility Treatment take place? Key terms 1.IVF 2.Artificial insemination 3.AIH 4.AID Questions raised Extension:Some people would agree with some types of fertility treatment and not others. Can you explain why this is?
The ethical issues surrounding fertility treatment Sometimes more than one embryo is created. What happens to the ‘spare’ embryos which aren’t implanted? Some embryos are used for medical research. Women can have a baby even if she’s not in a relationship, or lesbian, or past menstruating. Should people just accept that they are unable to have a baby? Should the NHS pay for couples to have fertility treatment?
Some Christians, like _____, would support fertility treatment because… Other Christians, such as_____ would oppose fertility treatment because …. The Bible doesn’t say anything about this so Christians might use the verses….
Christian responses to fertility treatment 1.What does the Bible say about fertility treatment? 2.Why are some Christians supportive of FT? 3.Why do some oppose it? 4.What do Catholics say about FT? Give reasons. 5.Christians might apply agape (God’s love) and say the most loving action is to allow a couple to have a child, even if it’s artificially done.
…alternative views Other Christians might believe fertility treatment is wrong because __________. They might use the example of _______. They might also say _______________. Key idea: Many Christians believe fertility treatment can be a ________ thing, but sometimes it could be ________. Explain this idea.
Homework for Thurs 15 th Oct a)What word means ‘artificially helping someone to become pregnant’? [1] c)Describe one Christian view on fertility treatment. [3] d)Explain how a Christian might respond to a couple wanting fertility treatment. [6]
Church teachings The Catholic church supports IVF as long as no spare embryos are created. It does not support the use of AID. Many Catholics would say it is God’s will if a couple can’t conceive. Do you agree with these teachings? Give 2 reasons for and 2 against these teachings.
Church teachings cont….. The Anglican (CofE) church supports the use of fertility treatment but that the embryo should be given rights after 14 days. They also teach that people have a right to have children. Do you agree with these teachings? Give 2 reasons for and 2 against these teachings.
Key ideas for mind map Definition Types Catholic teachings Church of England teachings What does the Bible say
Exam-type question a)What is fertility treatment? [1 mark] b)What are Christian attitudes towards cloning? [2 marks] c)What does Christianity teach about fertility treatment? [3 marks] d)Explain Christian teachings about abortion. [6 marks] e)‘The use of fertility treatment is wrong because it goes against God’s plan’. Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. [12 marks]