Media Presentation by Mediaplus Berlin,
2 Content MARKET OVERVIEW GERMANY Movie Industry Online Media Research Data
3 Movie Industry Development –Admissions –Box Office –Media Investments Profile –Demographics
4 Development: Admissions Source: WerbeWeischer million
5 Development: Box Office Source: WerbeWeischer million DM
6 Development: Market Share by Origin Source: German Federal Film Board 98
7 + 45% Development Media Investment - Total Market In mio. DM Source: S+P ´95-´00
8 51% Development Media Investment: Movies Source: S+P ´95-´00 In mio DM
9 Source: S+P ´00 Share of Advertising in % + 75% Share of Advertising: Movies vs. Total Market
million inhabitants 15 cities with inhabitants Home of 16% of total population Generating 30% of total box office per year Hamburg 1.7 million Berlin 3.4 million Leipzig 0.5 million Dresden 0.5 million Nürnberg/Fürth 0.6 million München 1.2 million Stuttgart 0.6 million Frankfurt 0.7 million Köln 1 million Duisburg 0.5 million Düsseldorf 0.6 million Essen 0.6 million Dortmund 0.6 million Hannover 0.5 million Bremen 0.5 million Profile: Germany at a glance
11 Source: MA 00 / Adults 14+ / million Movie Goers - Frequency
12 Source: MA 00 Profile - Gender
13 Source: MA 00 Profile - Age structure
14 Source: MA 00 Profile - Occupation
15 Source: MA 00 Profile - Household Income
16 Source: MA 00 Profile - City Size
17 Online Market Market Status –Access –Content –Hard-/Software –Advertising Profile –Usage –Demographics
18 Internet
19 Internet Usage
20 Internet Users + Shoppers Source: GfK-Online-Monitor, 7.Wave Total population; Focus Media Guide 2001, p. 43 In Mio.
21 Source: Aktuelle Studien „AWA Jugend und Medienutzung“ Basic:Total Population years of age Internet Users age 14-29
22 Online Duration Quelle: 7. Welle GfK Monitor Duration average day / age 14-69
23 Coverage per week / day Source: GfK Online-Monitor 5.bis 7. Wave, 2000/2001, year of age German speaking population Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7 10,3 Mio 13,0 Mio18,1 Mio 6,6 Mio7,9 Mio11,1 Mio Ø 4,1 Ø 4,3 Ø 4,6 Days per week User per dayUser per week
24 Every day users Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7 2,2 Mio 3,1 Mio5,6 Mio Source: GfK Online-Monitor 5.bis 7. Wave, 2000/2001, year germanspeaking population
25 Monthly online duration Oktober 1999August 2000 Source: MMXI, 11/2000 Min.
26 Location of online access 15,9 Mio. 9,9 Mio. 7,9 Mio. 2,0 Mio. Source: GfK Online-Monitor Wave, 2000/2001, year german speaking population, 52,5 Mio., 8021 Interviews
27 Time Schedule (at least one day per week) Basis: Internet-Nutzer pro Tag Source: GfK Online-Monitor Wave, 2000/2001, year germanspeaking population, 52,5 Mio, 8021 Interviews
28 Hard-/Software: Available Equipment/Online User Basic: people questioned Source: ComCult Panel-Report: Online-Nutzung 2001
29 Hard-/Software: Screen Resolving/Online User Source:
30 Hard-/Software: Entry level for Internet access basic: questioned Source: ComCult Panel-Report: Online-Nutzung 2001
31 Hard-/Software: Available standard browser basic: questioned Source: ComCult Panel-Report: Online-Nutzung 2001
32 Profile
33 Gender Source: GfK Online-Monitor 7.wave 2001
34 Age source: GfK Online-Monitor 7. Wave; years %
35 Age Quelle: GfK Online-Monitor 5. bis 7. Wave, 2000/2001, years of age German-speaking population wave 5wave 6wave 7 wave 5 ø 30% wave 6 ø 34% wave 7 ø 46%
36 Education Source: GfK Online-Monitor 7. wave, 2000/2001, years of age of the German-speaking population, 52,5 Mio, 8021 Interviews
37 Education Source: GfK Online-Monitor Wave, , 14-49years of age German speaking population.
38 Household Net Income Source: GfK Online-Monitor 7. Welle, 2000/2001, years of age german-speaking population, 52,5 Mio, 8021 Interviews
39 Provider
40 Top 10 Provider Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7 Basis: Online-/ Internetnutzer insgesamt Shares have risen above all providers. T-Online owns the highest reach with 14,2 Mio. users. Source: GfK Online-Monitor 7Wave 2000/2001, years of age, German-speaking population
41 Advertising
42 Advertising categories used Source :GfK- Wirtschaftswoche Werbeklima I/2001 Univers: Marketing Directors n usage 2001 n usage 2000
43 Media spend (in million Euro) Source: Prognos/Seven One Media / Horizont 33/01, p. 57; S+P 07/ HJ: 107,6 Mio. Euro 0,7%0,8% 1,5% 2,4% 3,1% 3,5%
44 Interest - General
45 Main interest of Online users Source: GfK Online-Monitor 7Wave 2000/2001, years of age, German-speaking population, 52 Mio, 8021 Interviews
46 User Typology 4 main topics of Internet usage can be defined as follows –News and Information –Entertainment and Erotica –Professional and Commercial Offers –Offers concerning everyday efficiency
47 Web usage to research specific information: age profile Source: Aktuelle Studien „AWA Jugend und Medienutzung“ Basic: population starting with the age of 14
48 Source: GfK Online-Monitor, Anfang 2000 Search engines used within last months
49 Interest - Entertainment
50 datas in % (access of websites: at least once a month) Source: online-useage 2001, ComCult Research 2001 (Entertainment) Frequently used Web sites
51 Entertainment Users - Profile data in % Source: online-useage 2001, ComCult Research 2001
52 data in % Source: targetgroup in net 2000, ComCult Research 2000 I use the internet for.... Entertainment Users - Reasons Why
53 Source: targetgroup in net 2000, ComCult Research 2000 (Grafik: Relevanz von Online-Dienstleistungen - Top10) data in % Entertainment Users - Most favorite content of sites
54 data in % Source: targetgroup in net 2000, ComCult Research 2000 I like the offers with... Entertainment Users - Most favorite offers
55 Sites
56 Top Entertainment Sites Source: Jupiter MMXI Status: Mai 2001
57 Top Movie Sites Source: Plan.Net Status: Juli 2001
58 Top 100 advertising sites based on PIs Source: Media & Marketing & Plan.Net Status: April 2001
59 Top 100 advertising sites based on PIs Source: Media & Marketing & Plan.Net Status: April 2001
60 Top 100 advertising sites based on PIs Source: Media & Marketing & Plan.Net Status: April 2001
61 Top 100 advertising sites based on PIs Source: Media & Marketing & Plan.Net Status: April 2001