Thema, Bereich, Autor, Version, Datum1 Active progress – Kick off meeting Labour inclusion and school failure from a trade union perspective
Thema, Bereich, Autor, Version, Datum2 Active progress – Kick off meeting Facts and figures: - the educational system in Germany - School failure - opportunities for students without a degree
Thema, Bereich, Autor, Version, Datum3 The educational system in Germany the Laender (federal states) are responsible for the education system there are no german-wide standardized education policies Compulsory education between 9 to 10 years Specifics: - hierachic three to four prongend regular school systems - dual vocational training
Thema, Bereich, Autor, Version, Datum4 The educational system in Germany
Thema, Bereich, Autor, Version, Datum5 Development of school dropout rates former federal territory of BRD until ,90% ,30% 19897,60% Germany 19958,80% 20009,20% 20058,20% 20107,00%
Thema, Bereich, Autor, Version, Datum6 School dropout rates in 2010 Baden Württemberg5,6% Bayern5,9% Berlin10,7% Brandenburg11,9% Bremen7,5% Hamburg8,1% Hessen7,1% Mecklenburg-Vorpommern15,4% Niedersachsen6,1% Nordrhein-Westfalen6,6% Rheinland-Pfalz6,7% Saarland6,4% Sachsen11% Sachsen-Anhalt13,3% Schleswig-Holstein7% Thüringen9,1% Germany7%
Thema, Bereich, Autor, Version, Datum7 Figueres and facts about school dropout in Germany 80% of all school dropouts come from special schools and Hauptschulen. Depending on the Land 13,4% to 62% of the school dropouts left school before they reach the 9. or 10. grade. Although their compulsory education has already ended, they lack the knowledge of this grade. The fact that the majority of school dropouts are included in underpriviledged groups, shows that the school system reinforcessocial disadvantage.
Thema, Bereich, Autor, Version, Datum8 School dropouts by school types (german-wide)
Thema, Bereich, Autor, Version, Datum9 What are the opportunities for students without a degree Labour market: high risk of unemployment, low payment Social welfare (ALG II): often affected by sanctions, is hardly enough for living Vocational training: long odds to get one, better odds on the labour market Intersection system: catch up school graduation, preparatory year for vocational training, waiting loop
Thema, Bereich, Autor, Version, Datum10 Vocational training positions are missing. In 2009 there were vocational training positions for candidates.
Thema, Bereich, Autor, Version, Datum11 Vocational situation in Berlin/Brandenburg
Thema, Bereich, Autor, Version, Datum12 Allocation vocational system in 2006
Thema, Bereich, Autor, Version, Datum13 Projects to support schooldropouts Preventive-schoolbased vs. during vocational training or preparatory School as primary learning place vs. primarily learning outside school Specified target groups vs. general education programs
Thema, Bereich, Autor, Version, Datum14 Active progress – Kick off meeting Thank you very much for your kind attention!