Jin MENG Shen FU 57090 (DPD 08) Biology 2 - Head/Neck and CNS Tumors Validation of a radiosensitivity gene signature in radiotherapy-treated patients from The Cancer Genome Altas (TCGA) Jin MENG Shen FU 57090 (DPD 08) Biology 2 - Head/Neck and CNS Tumors
Background Identification of 31 radiosensitivity genes in NCI-60 cell line BMC Genomics 13, 348 (2012)
Workflow Validation of radiosensitivity gene signature in RT-treated patients mRNA profiling expression of 16 different cancer types from TCGA Exclude cancer types without RT or survival information GBM (n=463) HNSCC(n=92) LGG(n=151) Clinical characteristics Kaplan-Meier curves Multivariate Cox regression analysis Comparison between RS and RR patients
Results a b P<0.001 P=0.004 c Tumor classification by radiosensitivity gene signature shows distinct prognostic outcomes of (a)GBM patients(n=463) (b)HNSCC patients(n=92) (c)LGG patients(n=151) P=0.128
Take home messages Our study demonstrates the potential prognostic values of radiosensitivity gene signature identified by Kim et al. The gene signature is a predictive biomarker for radiotherapy treatment benefit for GBM and HNSCC patients. Future prospective studies will be needed to fully refine the integrated prognostic algorithm in clinical radiation oncology.