civilian A person who is not a member of the military, police, or firefighting forces Three of the passengers were soldiers, the other was a civilian.
complicated hard to understand Sometimes my math homework is so complicated, that I can’t understand it.
concur agree; coincide, to be of the same opinion Do you concur with his statement or do you disagree?
confirm state or prove the truth of My doctor thought that I broke my wrist, and an x-ray later confirmed his opinion.
digress get off the main topic I hope you will permit me to digress long enough to express something that is much on my mind.
fragile easily broken The vase is fragile, it can easily break.
galore in abundance; plentiful There was food and drink galore at the party, we all had plenty.
genuine true; real; authentic The painting looked genuine, but it proved to be a copy of the original.
hostile of or relating to an enemy or enemies In the heat of the battle, allies are sometimes mistaken for hostile forces.
impatient not patient; not willing to bear delay Five minutes can seem like five hours when you are impatient.
inter put into the earth; bury; entomb Many American heroes are interred in Arlington National Cemetery.
mitigate Make less severe; lessen; alleviate With the help of novocaine, your dentist can greatly mitigate the pain of drilling.
novice There are two slopes: one for experienced skiers and one for novices. one who is new to a field or activity; beginner