LISTENING Chapter 4 Lend me your EARS! Listening ~ Ch. 4 Lend me your ears
Listening is MORE than hearing HEARING is automaticHEARING is automatic LISTENING requires effort to understandLISTENING requires effort to understand We forget 75 % of what we hearWe forget 75 % of what we hear
Four types of listening
1. Appreciative listening Enjoying music, a bird’s song, or the murmur of a brookEnjoying music, a bird’s song, or the murmur of a brook
2. Discriminative listening Used when we want to single one particular sound out of a noisy environment.Used when we want to single one particular sound out of a noisy environment. EX: Listening for a friend’s voice in a crowded room voice in a crowded room
3. Empathic listening Practiced by counselors, psychiatrists and good friends.Practiced by counselors, psychiatrists and good friends. Encourages people to talk freely without fear of embarrassment.Encourages people to talk freely without fear of embarrassment. The listener acts as a soundingThe listener acts as a soundingboard.
4. Critical listening The listener evaluates what (s)he hears and decided if the message is logical, worthwhile, or valuable.The listener evaluates what (s)he hears and decided if the message is logical, worthwhile, or valuable. This is important in school, on the job, and when someone is trying to persuade us.This is important in school, on the job, and when someone is trying to persuade us.
Passive listener The listener does not share in the responsibility for and does not involve himself/herself in the communication processThe listener does not share in the responsibility for and does not involve himself/herself in the communication process We don’t ask questions or try to rememberWe don’t ask questions or try to remember
Active Listener The listener participates and shares in the communication process by asking questions for understanding and paying attentionThe listener participates and shares in the communication process by asking questions for understanding and paying attention
Listening Problems WE want to TALKWE want to TALK Short spansShort spans It takes EFFORTIt takes EFFORT We jump to conclusionsWe jump to conclusions We’re bored – topic is dullWe’re bored – topic is dull We get distractedWe get distracted
The Rate Gap The Rate Gap We speak at 120 to 180 words per minute.We speak at 120 to 180 words per minute. We hear and process about SIX times faster!
Door Openers Door Openers “oh”“oh” “how’s that”“how’s that” “uh huh”“uh huh” “go on”“go on” Indicates acceptance, interest & understandingIndicates acceptance, interest & understanding
Effective Listening Skills Ask for explanationsAsk for explanations Paraphrase the messageParaphrase the message Summarize the messageSummarize the message Put it down on paperPut it down on paper