1 Effective Listening Chapter 3
2 Why Listening is Important Listen & confirm a person’s humanity, presence, & worth Listen & confirm a person’s humanity, presence, & worth We spend more time listening than speaking We spend more time listening than speaking
3 Listening vs. Hearing Hearing – vibration of sound waves on our eardrums, impulses sent to the brain Hearing – vibration of sound waves on our eardrums, impulses sent to the brain Listening – the process of giving thoughtful attention to another person’s words & understanding what you hear Listening – the process of giving thoughtful attention to another person’s words & understanding what you hear
4 Reasons We Fail to Listen Listener interference Listener interference Differing listening styles Differing listening styles Speaker interference Speaker interference Inability to get beyond differences Inability to get beyond differences
5 Listening Styles Experiential listener Experiential listener Auditory listener Auditory listener Visual listener Visual listener
6 Listenable Speech Considerate speech: Oral style – words meant to be heard Oral style – words meant to be heardvs. Written style – words meant to be read Written style – words meant to be read
7 Considerate Speeches Ease the audience’s burden of processing information
8 Interference Caused by Information that is too complicated too complicated too challenging too challenging too basic too basic
9 Interference Caused by Language that is too formal or technical too formal or technical too casual too casual too noninclusive too noninclusive too cluttered too cluttered
10 Difficult Language Jargon Jargon Slang Slang Colloquialism Colloquialism Euphemism Euphemism
11 Culturally Inclusive Respectfully recognizes the differences among the many cultures in our society
12 Gender Inclusive Recognizes that both women & men are active participants in the world
13 Spotlighting The practice of highlighting a person’s race or ethnicity during a speech
14 Verbal Clutter Extra words that pad Extra words that pad –sentences & claims –but don’t add meaning
15 Interference Caused by Differences Speech style Speech style Background & occupation Background & occupation Appearance Appearance Values Values
16 How to Listen Effectively Listen for speaker’s purpose Listen for speaker’s purpose Listen for main ideas Listen for main ideas Listen for supporting evidence & sources Listen for supporting evidence & sources Listen for consistency of delivery & content Listen for consistency of delivery & content
17 How to Listen Effectively (cont.) Write down new words, ideas & questions Write down new words, ideas & questions Offer nonverbal feedback Offer nonverbal feedback Listen for the conclusion Listen for the conclusion Make adjustments for listening styles Make adjustments for listening styles
18 How to Listen Critically Listen for: accuracy of content accuracy of content implications of message implications of message
19 How to Listen Ethically Suspend judgment Suspend judgment Assess information Assess information Respond to speaker’s ideas Respond to speaker’s ideas Try Interactive Activity 3.1: Assessing Your Listening online at the Invitation to Public Speaking website.
20 Speakers as Listeners Monitor audience expressions expressions posture posture feedback feedback level of attention level of attention
21 Adapt to Audiences Who Are: Uninterested Uninterested Disruptive or distracted Disruptive or distracted Distracted by the speaker Distracted by the speaker Confused Confused Planning responses rather than listening Planning responses rather than listening