Plan, Do, Review: Making L4L Work for YOU MAME Summer Institute July 12, 2011
Presenter L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute Susan Ballard Immediate Past-Chair, AASL Standards and Guidelines Implementation Task Force (L4L); Retired Director of Library Media and Technology Services, Londonderry NH; Student Library Teacher Supervisor, Simmons College; P/T Lecturer, Rutgers and UVM; AASL President-elect
A Fable L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute
Our Iceberg is Melting “Our Iceberg Is Melting is a simple fable about doing well in an ever- changing world. Based on the award- winning work of Harvard's John Kotter, it is a story that has been used to help thousands of people and organizations.” Source: L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute
Source: Summary Our Iceberg is Melting L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute
Our Iceberg is Melting Main Points 1.Set the stage 2. Pull together the guiding group 3. Decide what to do 4. Make it happen L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute
Our Iceberg is Melting Main Points 5. Empower others to act 6. Create short term wins 7. Don’t let up 8. Make it stick L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute
Culture is how we… Are organized Communicate Deal with mistakes or deviation Approach problems Honor and ritualize Induct new members L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute
Our Iceberg is Melting Our “iceberg” is melting too….the learning environment is very different and so is the learner. L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute
Who Are the Audiences? Students Teachers Principals Support Staff and Volunteers Superintendent and District Level Personnel School Board, Parents, and Community L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute
L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute Barriers Between the idea and the reality, Between the motion and the act, Falls the shadow. T.S. Eliot “The Hollow Men”
Take the Plunge L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute
Plan L4L “There is no way we can survive in this world if we only deal with the present.” Ian Jukes “If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.” John Dewey “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else.” Yogi Berra 2011 MAME Summer Institute
Do L4L Leaders “demonstrate persistence, commitment, and risk taking, but above all, learning.” “That in developing systems to avoid errors we can’t just go on assumptions, but need to closely observe and collect all sorts of information to truly understand how people involved think and operate (learn).” Alina Tugend, Better by Mistake; The Unexpected Benefits of Being Wrong 2011 MAME Summer Institute
Review L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute “We must consider life through emerging technologies.” Ian Jukes, Living on the Future Edge: Windows on Tomorrow EdWeb’s Using Emerging Technology to Advance Your School Library Program community
Learning4Life: The 4 Standards! L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute 1.Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. 2.Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. 3.Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. 4.Pursue personal and aesthetic growth.
Learning4Life: The 4 Strands! L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute
Learning4Life: The 4 Step Lesson Plan! L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute 1. Direct instruction of the specific skill to be learned 2. Modeling and guided practice: learners have an opportunity to see the skill as it is applied successfully 3. Independent practice: learners apply the skill to their own topics 4.Sharing and reflection: learners look at their own application of the skill and determine how well it worked Guided Inquiry and the Research Process video
Empowering Learners: The Changed Role of the LMS! L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute 1. Leader 2. Instructional Partner 3. Information Specialist 4. Teacher 5. Program Administrator
Empowering Learners: Teaching for Learning! L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute 1.The school library media program promotes collaboration among members of the learning community and encourages learners to be independent, lifelong users and producers of ideas and information. 2.The school library media program promotes reading as a foundational skill for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. 3.The school library media program provides instruction that addresses multiple literacies, including information literacy, media literacy, visual literacy, and technology literacy. 4.The school library media program models an inquiry-based approach to learning and the information search process. 5. The school library media program is guided by regular assessment of student learning to ensure the program is meeting its goals.
Empowering Learners: Building the Learning Environment! L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute 1. The school library media program is built on a long-term strategic plan that reflects the mission, goals, and objectives of the school. 2.The school library media program has a minimum of one full-time certified/licensed library media specialist supported by qualified staff sufficient for the school ’ s instructional programs, services, facilities, size, and number of teachers and students. 3. The school library media program includes flexible and equitable access to physical and virtual collections of resources that support the school curriculum and meet the diverse needs of all learners. 4. The school library media program has sufficient funding to support priorities and make steady progress to attain the program ’ s mission, goals, and objectives. 5. The school library media program includes policies, procedures, and guidelines that support equitable access to ideas and information throughout the school community. 6. The school library media program includes a well-developed collection of books, periodicals, and non-print material in a variety of formats that support curricular topics and are suited to inquiry learning and users ’ needs and interests. 7. The school library media program is guided by an advocacy plan that builds support from decision makers who affect the quality of the SLMP. 8. The school library media program includes support for school library media specialist and teacher professional development to sustain and increase knowledge and skills.
Empowering Learners: Empowering Learning Through Leadership! L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute The school library media program is built by professionals who model leadership and best practice for the school community.
Benchmark/GLE Crosswalk - Basic Benchmark/GLE- Expanded Empowering Learners: Empowering Learning Through Leadership!
Introduction Online, interactive planning and advocacy tool Supports implementation of the AASL program guidelines Ensures school library program planners go beyond the basics Saves time and delivers data L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute
Empowering Learners: A Planning Guide! L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute Access the free trial beginning 7/11 and ending 7/20 Username: j20 Password: preview Free trial access is given by calling Encyclopedia Britannica:
Planning Process evaluate the existing program involve stakeholders in planning process align the mission with the school or district develop action plans with measurable goals and objectives chart implementation progress L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute
Planning Process
Assessment Rubric Reflects principles in AASL program guidelines Assess programs on 16 different sets of criteria Identify strengths and weaknesses Easily share results with stakeholders Advocate for the information literacy needs of school community L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Rubric 1Assessment Rubric 2
Benefits Recap Access module online from any computer Sequential steps are intuitive for users of all technology levels Save and edit plans Monitor progress charts Evaluate your program health using the rubric Output and share worksheets, charts and graphs L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute
Learning4Life: A Lifelong Process! L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute What's the take-away?
Learning4Life: Resources! L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute L4L home page L4L resources compiled by 2010 Emerging Leaders Group A L4L School Librarian Job Description Sample Evaluation System AASL Standards Interactive Graphic Effective Practice wiki
Learning4Life: Resources! L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute Librarians Who Lead Librarians Who Lead in March 2011 District Administration Fully Loaded: Outfitting a teacher librarian for the 21 st century. Here’s what it takes. January 2011 School Library Journal Not Your Grandmother’s Library! March/April 2011 Learning & Leading with Technology Learning and the Jungonauts February 24, 2011 The Whole Child Blog Five Skills for 21 st Century Learners March 18, 2011 Molehills out of Mountains blog School Library Monthly: The End of an Era…Falling Off a Cliff by Allison ZmudaThe End of an Era…Falling Off a Cliff by Allison
Learning4Life: Resources! L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute Webinars: School Library Month 2011 (no log in information needed) Developing a Vision for LearningDeveloping a Vision for Learning presented by Dr. Carol Gordon Teaching for Learning - Teaching at the Intersection of Reading, Information and TechnologyTeaching for Learning - Teaching at the Intersection of Reading, Information and Technology presented by LaDawna Harrington Building the Learning Environment: Engage, Interact, Immerse, Learn Building the Learning Environment: Engage, Interact, Immerse, Learn presented by Marcia Mardis, Eileen McIlvain, Gail Long, and Jennifer Pleszkoch Empowering Learning through Leadership: Building a Strong Leadership Foundation through Transformation Leadership PracticesEmpowering Learning through Leadership: Building a Strong Leadership Foundation through Transformation Leadership Practices presented by Daniella Smith
Learning4Life: Resources! L4L 2011 MAME Summer Institute Please feel free to contact me Jungo, ergo sum. I link, therefore I am