Didier Swingedouw, Masa Kageyama, Juliette Mignot, Impact of freshwater release in the North Atlantic under different climate conditions in an OAGCM Didier Swingedouw, Masa Kageyama, Juliette Mignot, Pascale Braconnot, Eloi Mosquet, Charline Marzin, Ramdane Alkama, Olivier Marti LSCE-IPSL, France
Abrupt climate changes during glacial period Cooling and iceberg surge Monsoon changes (Wang et al. 2001) Origin? Mechanisms for the teleconnections ? ITCZ migration(Peterson et al. 2000) Courstesy of M. Kageyama
What about warm climates? Reduction of the Greenland ice sheet during the Eemian Potential collapse in the future With Greenl. CTRL No Swingedouw et al. Clim. Dyn. 2007 AMOC What are the freshwater inputs under different climate conditions? Are the climatic responses and mechanisms similar under different climate conditions?
Insolation at the top of the atmosphere Experimental design Insolation at the top of the atmosphere 10 simulations using the IPSL- CM4 AOGCM of 250 years, with and without (computed) freshwater input Last Interglacial (126 kyr BP, LIG) Last Glacial Maximum (21 kyr BP LGM) Holocene (6 kyr BP, HOL) Preindustriel (PRE) : 0.1 Sv hosing following Stouffer et al. 2006) Future (2xCO2, FUT) PRE, FUT HOL-PRE LGM-PRE LIG-PRE -126 kyr -21 kyr -6 kyr 1860 2250 LIG LGM HOL PRE FUT
Freshwater input and AMOC response LIGc LGMc LGMh LIGh HOLc PREc FUTc HOLh PREh FUTh Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (year 220-250) Freshwater input and AMOC response Freshwater is computed according to the heat flux budget over land-ice area in the model (except for PRE and LGM) Greenland melting after 250 years
Climatic impact of « hosing » Temperature (year 220-250, hosing-CTRL) Precipitation LIG LGM HOL PRE FUT LIG LGM HOL PRE Refroidissement hémisphere nord ds ts les climats Léger réchauffement local le long des cotes est groenlandaise du fait d’une interaction vent glace de mer (ds ce modèle), pour tous les climats chauds mais pas en glaciaire Migration vers le nord de l’ITCZ dans tous les climats Migration plus forte si refroidissement plus fort + propagation au Pacifique FUT
Sea level pressure response SLP (year 220-250, hosing-CTRL) Sea level pressure response LIG LGM HOL PRE Change in the mean state Resembling the Aleutian Low-Icelandic Low seesaw (Honda et al. 2001) Adjustment of the storm track to different temperature gradients FUT En TW
Explanation for the « slight warming » pattern Sea-ice cover and wind stress changes (year 220-250, hosing-CTRL) Explanation for the « slight warming » pattern LIG LGM HOL PRE Changes in surface winds associated with large-scale SLP changes Interaction with sea ice cover Albedo feedback leads to the observed « slight warming » FUT En TW
A complex energetic adjustment Net SW LW TOA AHT Atmosphere Atmosphere Land Sea ice Explication du schéma OHT Ocean 25° N 90° N
A complex energetic adjustment Net=+ 13 SW= -172 LW=+ 185 Common mechanisms: Oceanic heat transport decreases due to AMOC weakening Partial compensation by the atmosphere Differences: AMOC changes Radiative adjustment and changes in reservoirs (sea ice) TOA AHT= +99 Atmosphere Atm=-2 Glace=-91 Exemple d’une paire de simulation : Similarités avec les autres paires Différences quantitatives subtiles OHT= -232 Oce=-17 25° N 90° N Hosing preind. (en TW)
ITCZ migration amplitude Zonal precipitation changes over the Atlantic (year 220-250, hosing-CTRL) The amplitude of the ITCZ shift depends on the experiment What drives these changes? LIG LGM FUT HOL PRE
ITCZ migration mechanism SST and wind stress changes (year 220-250, hosing-CTRL) ITCZ migration mechanism LIG LGM Fast signal C-shape wind change in the tropics Atmospheric bridge and oceanic tunnel Wind-Evaporation-SST feedback (Chiang et al. 2008) HOL PRE FUT
Linearity Phase diagram of the response of different climate indicators (after 250 years) Temperature changes in the NH linear with clear sky radiative changes (sea ice) ITCZ changes linear with cooling (atmospheric bridge)
Conclusions The Greenland freshwater input amount computed during the Eemian is larger than a 2xCO2 (using a simple heat flux budget) after 250 years In the IPSL-CM4, the climatic impact of a freshwater input shares similarities∀ the climate Cooling of the Northern Hemisphere Southward ITCZ migration, mainly in the Atlantic Slight warming on the west coast of Greenland Complex energetic adjustment: important role of the sea ice
Thank you Swingedouw et al Thank you Swingedouw et al. Impact of freshwater release in the North Atlantic under different climate conditions in an OAGCM. Journal of Climate 22, 6377-6403, 2009