Section 504 and Conditions That Interfere With Academic Success Presented By: Tarrant City Schools Mrs.Lockett & Mrs. Hill Guidance Counselors Presented By: Tarrant City Schools Mrs.Lockett & Mrs. Hill Guidance Counselors
Academic Success All students should be given the opportunity to succeed in school. In some cases there may be a condition that may hinder a student from performing well.
How will The School Help ? Public elementary and secondary schools must employ procedural safeguards regarding the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of persons, who because of disability, need or are believed to need special instruction or related services.
Section 504 Defined: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a civil rights statue that prohibits discrimination / harassment on the basis of a disability in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
What Does Section 504 Require ? It requires a school district to provide “a free appropriate public education” to each qualified student with a disability who is in the school district’s jurisdiction regardless of the nature of their disability.
How Is 504 Status Determined? The determination of whether a student has a physical or mental impairment that limits a major life activity must be made on a individual case by case basis.
How Does Section 504 Define Physical or Mental Impairment? Any Psychological Disorder Cosmetic Disfigurement Neurological, Musculoskeletal, Respiratory, Speech Organs, Cardiovascular, Digestive, Skin, Mental Retardation,Organic Brain Syndrome Any Psychological Disorder Cosmetic Disfigurement Neurological, Musculoskeletal, Respiratory, Speech Organs, Cardiovascular, Digestive, Skin, Mental Retardation,Organic Brain Syndrome
Major Life Activities Defined And Conditions That Interfere with Academic Success Caring for oneself Performing Manual Task Reading Concentrating Thinking Communicating Walking Caring for oneself Performing Manual Task Reading Concentrating Thinking Communicating Walking
Major Life Activities Continued: Hearing Speaking Breathing Learning Working Hearing Speaking Breathing Learning Working
How Do Individuals Refer or Request a Student for a Section 504 Referral? An individual(parent,guardian,school staff member) may make a Section 504 referral for a student by completing a “Referral Form”.
Examples of Reasons To Make A 504 Referral Student : is receiving discipline infractions or suspensions over an extended period of time which are excessive is being considered for retention is exhibiting poor academic performance is returning to school after a serious illness or injury. Student : is receiving discipline infractions or suspensions over an extended period of time which are excessive is being considered for retention is exhibiting poor academic performance is returning to school after a serious illness or injury.
Examples of Reasons To Make A 504 Referral Continued: has received a written diagnosis by an outside agency as having a disability is referred to an IDEA IEP TEAM for Special Education evaluation and does not qualify. has received a written diagnosis by an outside agency as having a disability is referred to an IDEA IEP TEAM for Special Education evaluation and does not qualify.
What will the Schools Do to Help ? Schools must provide notice to the parents of the referral meeting. Provide a copy of the parent / guardian procedural safeguards. Select 504 referral team members. Obtain consent from the parent / guardian for evaluation Provide the parent/guardian with Notice of Intent of Section 504 Team Decision. Schools must provide notice to the parents of the referral meeting. Provide a copy of the parent / guardian procedural safeguards. Select 504 referral team members. Obtain consent from the parent / guardian for evaluation Provide the parent/guardian with Notice of Intent of Section 504 Team Decision.
What Happens Next? If the team determines that the student meets the federal definition of disabled under Section 504, a plan will be developed. This shall happen within 30 calendar days after the eligibility meeting.
Who Will Have Access To This Information? The Student’s teachers and all service providers.
Who Do I need To Contact If I Feel My Child May Qualify For Section 504? You may contact your child’s teacher, the school counselor, or principal. This request may be put in writing so that you and the person who is receiving it has a record.
Do I have the Right To Complain? Yes, If you feel the school is not cooperating : You may file a Section 504 Grievance by contacting Mrs.Linda Guetscoff,the Tarrant City Schools District Compliance Coordinator at Yes, If you feel the school is not cooperating : You may file a Section 504 Grievance by contacting Mrs.Linda Guetscoff,the Tarrant City Schools District Compliance Coordinator at