ECE 477 Design Review Team 10 Spring 2009 Scott Shaw Hussain Vasi Matt Sbai John Fawcett
Outline Project overviewProject overview Project-specific success criteriaProject-specific success criteria Block diagramBlock diagram Component selection rationaleComponent selection rationale Packaging designPackaging design Schematic and theory of operationSchematic and theory of operation PCB layoutPCB layout Software design/development statusSoftware design/development status Project completion timelineProject completion timeline Questions / discussionQuestions / discussion
Project Overview LED chess board LED chess board Track movements of all pieces Track movements of all pieces Show possible moves Show possible moves Track game time Track game time Detect piece movement Detect piece movement Magnets/Reed switches Magnets/Reed switches
Project-Specific Success Criteria An ability to track piece movementAn ability to track piece movement An ability to display a piece's possible moves, as well as detect check and check mate conditionsAn ability to display a piece's possible moves, as well as detect check and check mate conditions An ability to save an unfinished game, as well as resuming a saved gameAn ability to save an unfinished game, as well as resuming a saved game An ability to track and display game statistics and informationAn ability to track and display game statistics and information An ability to display animation patterns and visual effects when showing possible movesAn ability to display animation patterns and visual effects when showing possible moves
Block Diagram
Component Selection Rationale ATmega 128ATmega 128 I2CI2C SPISPI 8 GPIO pins8 GPIO pins SCISCI 5 V operation5 V operation LED displayLED display TI’s 59116TI’s I2C controlledI2C controlled 5 V operation5 V operation 400 KHZ clock400 KHZ clock PWM controlled brightnessPWM controlled brightness
Component Selection Rationale Reed Switch InputsReed Switch Inputs SPI controlledSPI controlled MagnetsMagnets Microchip’s I/O expandersMicrochip’s I/O expanders 5V operation5V operation
Packaging Design
Schematic/Theory of Operation Microcontroller Board
Schematic/Theory of Operation LED Driver
Schematic/Theory of Operation Power Circuit
Schematic/Theory of Operation Touch Sensor
Schematic/Theory of Operation Reed Switch Matrix
Schematic/Theory of Operation LED Matrix
PCB Layout Main Microcontroller Board
PCB Layout Microcontroller and Crystal
PCB Layout LED Driver and Power Circuit
PCB Layout Touch Sensor and LDO
LED/Reed Switch Board PCB Layout
Data Lines PCB Layout
UART Software Design/Development Status I2CI2C I2CI2C Map: Game Board to LED Drivers Core Game Logic Map: Inputs to Game Board SPI
UART Software Design/Development Status I2CI2C I2CI2C Map: Game Board to LED Drivers Core Game Logic Map: Inputs to Game Board SPI Performs possible move and check/check-mate algorithms. Keeps track of all pieces on the board.
UART Software Design/Development Status I2CI2C I2CI2C Map: Game Board to LED Drivers Core Game Logic Map: Inputs to Game Board SPI Takes changes in states for board locations from the Core Game Logic and updates the corresponding LED brightness values. Constructs the data to be given to the I 2 C Library to update the game board.
UART Software Design/Development Status I2CI2C I2CI2C Map: Game Board to LED Drivers Core Game Logic Map: Inputs to Game Board SPI Library used to perform I 2 C communication with the LED drivers. Can generate START and STOP bits, check for various ACKs, and send data to an I 2 C slave address.
UART Software Design/Development Status I2CI2C I2CI2C Map: Game Board to LED Drivers Core Game Logic Map: Inputs to Game Board SPI Takes the SPI Library MISO packets, finds the corresponding game board location that changed, and passes it to the Core Game Logic. Handles touchpad user input.
UART Software Design/Development Status I2CI2C I2CI2C Map: Game Board to LED Drivers Core Game Logic Map: Inputs to Game Board SPI SPI Library for performing MOSI and MISO communications with the I/O expander chip.
UART Software Design/Development Status I2CI2C I2CI2C Map: Game Board to LED Drivers Core Game Logic Map: Inputs to Game Board SPI Library used for debugging and development only. Will allow for messages to be printed to a computer from a serial port.
Project Completion Timeline Week 09: Finish PCB layout and get SPI/UART code close to doneWeek 09: Finish PCB layout and get SPI/UART code close to done Week 11: Soldering and verifying board; complete code maps to align with hardwareWeek 11: Soldering and verifying board; complete code maps to align with hardware Week 12: Finish soldering; test code SPI/I 2 C libraries with actual boardWeek 12: Finish soldering; test code SPI/I 2 C libraries with actual board Week 13: Begin Core Game Logic coding and package constructionWeek 13: Begin Core Game Logic coding and package construction Weeks 14-16: Finish code (testing and debugging) and packaging; do final report, presentation, and posterWeeks 14-16: Finish code (testing and debugging) and packaging; do final report, presentation, and poster
Questions / Discussion