Blog-based technology for WIS Japan Meteorological Agency Presented by Tatsuya Noyori Expert Team on WIS-GTS Communication Techniques and Structure (TOULOUSE, France, MAY 2008)
3. Notification Feature 1. Posting an entry
3. Notification Feature 2. Generating feeds
3. Notification Feature 3. Notifying related end users
3. Notification Feature Feed Reader
4. Browsing entries 3. Notification Feature
Web Browser
Using free feed reader, related end users can be notified updated entries. Using secure HTTP (HTTPS), distributer can securely transfer entries and user id and password. 3. Advantage of Notification Feature
3. Notification Feature
1. Posting a file 4. File Synchronization Feature
2. Posting an entry which includes a link to the posted file. 4. File Synchronization Feature
3. Generating feeds. 4. File Synchronization Feature
4. Getting a feed that includes only updated entries. 4. File Synchronization Feature ?category=TEMP &since= T00:00:00Z &until= T00:05:00Z
5. Getting updated files. 4. File Synchronization Feature
Using "since" and "until" parameters, Subscribe Server can get only newly posted files. Using HTTP Compression, files are compressed when the files are transferred. Using multi requests for getting files, since Subscribe Server can make multi sockets, Subscribe Server can get better transfer rate more than one socket. In the case of failure, Subscribe Server can retry. Publisher can reduce the number of lines on distribution table. 4. Advantage of File Synchronization Feature
4. File Synchronization Feature
5. New Open Standard Technologies 1. Atom Publishing Protocol Posting an entry Posting a file
5. New Open Standard Technologies 2. Atom Syndication Format Getting an entry
Tokyo T22:58:23Z UENR01 DRRN Tokyo T22:40:18Z UENR01 DRRN TTDD 6311/ // // // // // // // // =
5. New Open Standard Technologies 3. Microformats An example of microformats
5. New Open Standard Technologies 3. Microformats A view of the example using web browser:
5. New Open Standard Technologies 4. OpenID
6. Examination of the feasibility of the features I would like to examine the feasibility of the features of blog software with other centers on the Internet.
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