Stafford County
Facts Was formed from Westmorland county Founded in 1664 Named for Staffordshire, England Prince William County, Culpeper County, Spotsylvania County, King George County, Fauquier County, City of Fredericksburg, and Marine Corps Base Quantico border Stafford County Our sister city is Stafford Borough, England
Area 277 total square miles 97 square miles of land 180 square miles of forest
Population as of 2009 estimate 124,166 Density 1, people per square mile 49.7% are female 50.3% are male
Population as of 2009 estimate Race 76.6% -White 17.4% - Black 8.7% - Hispanic or Latino 2.8% - Asian.4% - American Indian and Alaska Native.1% - Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander 2.7% - Persons reporting two or more races
Population as of 2009 estimate Age 7% - Birth to 4 years old 29.2% - 5 years old to 17 years old 57.3% - 18 years old to 64 years old 6.5% - 65 years old and up
Workforce $24,762 per capita income as of 1999 $87,145 median household income as of minutes mean travel time to work for workers age 16+ as of ,187 households as of persons per household as of % high school graduates, % of persons age 25 or older as of % Bachelor’s degree or higher, % of persons age 25 or older as of 2000
Question 1 Stafford county was formed in 1664 and named for which city? a. Stafford Borough, England b. Stafford, Connecticut c. Staffordshire, England d. Stafford, Texas
Question 2 Total area in square miles? a. 180 Square miles b. 350 Square miles c. 97 Square miles d. 277 Square miles
Question 3 Total population of Stafford County? a. 124,166 b. 100,350 c. 200,000 d. 250,277
Question 4 What County was Stafford county formed from? a. Prince William County b. Fairfax County c. Westmorland County d. Fauquier County
Question 5 As of 2008 what was the median household income? a. $100,500 b. $87,145 c. $65,485 d. $90,000
Resources Cpl. Guillermo Vargas (2010, September 16). Collaboration is first step to success. Quantico Sentry, pg. A10-A11.