Eroticism / Erotic Art Many artists throughout different generations and cultures have portrayed art pertaining to erotic (explicitly sexual) subject matter. Here are just a few examples…
inspired by women of the “licensed quarter” (prostitutes) 51. Kitigawa Utamaro Lovers in an Upstairs Room (1788) Polychrome Woodcut Print. inspired by women of the “licensed quarter” (prostitutes) shows idealized females – typically tall and slender, long noses and necks, narrow shoulders, slits for eyes and mouths. influenced the European Impressionists
52. Gustav Klimt. Danae (1907) Oil on canvas. Based on Greek Myth: Zeus visits Danae and impregnates her while she is asleep. She gives birth to the demi-god Perseus who slays Medusa and rescues Andromeda. Purple robe symbolizes her royal lineage – daughter of the King of Argos. symbolizes divine love this scene is often portrayed with erotic undertones.
Gustav Klimt The Kiss Recognize this?
53. Audrey Beardsley The Peacock Skirt. (1892) Pen & Ink Illustration. Illustration made for Oscar Wilde’s play Salome Salome tries to lure the Syrian Captain of the Guard in this scene in order to release John the Baptist from prison When John the Baptist rejects Salome, she uses her beauty and influence to have him executed style of drawing shows the influence of Japanese artists