Research and development projects in DUS-testing “methodiekenprojecten” Kees Grashoff Manager DUS-team Ornamentals & Fruit Department of Variety Testing Naktuinbouw
R&D projects in DUS (methodiekenprojecten) Definition: research to enhance efficiency and effectivity of DUS- examination. With a financial support from EZ via Dutch Board for Plant Varieties = Raad voor plantenrassen (RvP ).
Procedure Organizations are invited to submit proposals. The Board for Plant Varieties selects projects that fulfill the criteria. A priority is established and are approved depending on available budget. Results are reported to the Board A summary is published on the website.
Overview 2014 Ca. 15 projects carried out by: –Naktuinbouw. –CGN - Variety Register protocols for trees. –CGN - cluster FGR –LBI (Louis Bolk Institute)
Example 1 Possibilities for DUS-examination in seaweed Aim: development of method for DUS- examination in some seaweed species. Conclusion: a protocol for DUS-examination and variety description of seaweed has been developed. –Fine-tuning of characteristics needed. –Not yet clear if varieties are available which fully fulfill UPOV-critera for distinctness, uniformity and stability in Europe.
Some pictures of seaweed project
Example 2 Harmonization of disease tests in DUS (co- financed by CPVO) Aim: European harmonization of resistance tests for seven vegetable diseases. –Lettuce: Bremia lactucae –Pea: Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi race 1 and Ascochyta pisi race C –Pepper: TMV:0, PMMoV:1.2, PMMoV:1.2.3 and PVY:0 Conclusion: test protocols are harmonized between the European Examination Offices, except for Fusarium in pea. Isolates are defined. Naktuinbouw has updated the Plantum isolate collection accordingly.
Example 3 - Chimera
Example 3 Chimera as lack of Uniformity in DUS Chimera: are they caused by genetics or by environmental factors? Conclusion: they have a genetic background. They cannot be ignored in DUS-examination. Differs per crop type. Crop-by-crop approach needed.
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