The Age of Jackson
Focus Question: Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States.
Andrew Jackson, Man of Conflict Violent Individual (“Gentleman Savage”) Frontiersman Used to a rough and tumble life Served in the War of Independence at the age of 11 Fought a series of duels Brought up with life as a struggle War Hero Defeated the Creek in 1811 Defeated the British at New Orleans Defeated the Seminole in 1819
Conflicting Nature Man of the PeopleFabulously wealthy Intensely Loyal to family, friends, and soldiers Extremely Bigoted Distrusted the National GovernmentExpanded the National Government’s Power
The Return of the Two-Party System The Federalist Party Collapsed in 1816 Could not win in national elections Democratic-Republicans adopted many of their ideas The time period was called the Era of Good Feelings
Election of 1824 Four-way race for President John Quincy Adams, Massachusetts, Secretary of State Andrew Jackson, Tennessee, War Hero Henry Clay, Kentucky, Speaker of the House William Crawford, Georgia, Secretary of the Treasury
Nation Divided on Sectional Lines POPULAR VOTEELECTORAL VOTE JACKSON153,54499 ADAMS108,74084 CLAY47,13637 CRAWFORD46,61841
The “Corrupt Bargain” The House of Representatives elected Adams president Henry Clay was appointed Secretary of State Jackson’s supporters began campaigning almost immediately
The Adams Administration Jackson’s supporters stymied John Quincy Adams every chance they could Stopped many of his major initiatives Designed to propel Jackson to victory in 1828