1 Equipe Plus Workshop Quality Assuring APL in UK University Lifelong Learning: An Overview Estonian Universities National Network 12,13 June 2007
2 Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) Glossary used by University of Liverpool (UoL) APLAccreditation of Prior Learning The generic term used for the award of credit on the basis of demonstrated learning that has occurred at some time in the past. APCLAccreditation of Prior Certificated Learning The accreditation of prior learning gained from formal courses (interpreted broadly to include any designed learning experience) which has previously been assessed and/or accredited at HE level. This is also known as credit transfer. APELAccreditation of Prior Experiential Learning The process of assessing and then credit-rating learning which has its source in some experience which occurred prior to the point of entering the course, where the experience was not previously assessed and credit rated at HE level. RPLRecognition of Prior Learning The process of recognising prior learning for a specific purpose, for example admission, without awarding formal credit. Entry with Advanced Standing Where institutional procedures allow a student to enter a course later than the normal start point (eg. directly into Year 2) or otherwise shorten the normal period of study.
3 APL Glossary – UoL (2) General Credit All credit rated programmes have general credit, which evidences the learning achieved. It is a recognition that certain activities are recognised as being of academic value at a given academic level. The learning which has been achieved may or may not be within the subject area of the award programme for which the claimant is submitting their APL claim. APL for general credit may be given for previous learning which is shown to be generally relevant to the programme being studied. However it must be appropriate to the programme in terms of level, content and quality. This will often be used to allow entry to a course. The claim for general credit will be judged on the same academic standards as those used for specific credit Specific Credit Specific credit exists where there is a match between the learning outcomes, content and level of theidentified University module and the prior learning. It, therefore, allows exemption from taking that module. All outcomes in the specified module must have been achieved to at least the level required in order to receive a pass by the standard method of assessment for that module. If the previous learning claimed does not fully cover the content of the module it may be possible for the student to carry out some additional learning to make up to the full module.
4 Overview of APL In UK Universities Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) guidelines Published September 2004 Available on QAA website under academic infrastructure section – asp SEEC Code of Practice for APEL produced and updated January 2003
5 APL in the University of Liverpool (UoL) Why University developed the Policy Aware of growth of interest in this nationally Perceived interest across campus and also practitioners in UoL asking for guidance Consistency - already happening in UoL Policy introduced start of academic year
6 APL in the University of Liverpool (UoL) Working with the departments Non-threatening nature of APL Academic judgement on learning Autonomy of academic judgement unchanged Not different students Motivation isn’t purely for widening participation – but it is likely this will assist Devolved model of responsibility to departments Adviser and assessor roles are split Guidance documents for staff and applicants
7 UoL APL Policy – Basic Features Learning, not the experience Assessment is of prior learning – and not experience. Learning to be coherent and balanced General credit can’t be a complete incoherent mixture of possibly unrelated credits – it needs to be pertinent at the level and relevant General and specific credit Maximum 1/3 of award can be through APL
8 UoL APL Policy – Basic Features (2) Credits are only awarded on the basis of evidence which is: sufficient in detail to determine that learning objectives have been met authentic to the work of the applicant recent enough to imply current knowledge or capability, normally no longer than 5 years old appropriate in depth and breadth to the level and volume of credit being claimed.
9 QA Process in UoL re APL Mandatory staff development for academic staff engaged in the APL process Explicit central support through the Centre for Lifelong Learning (CLL) Embedding of processes in institutional committee structures and related policies Clearly defined responsibilities within APL processes Adviser, Assessor and Student responsibilities clearly defined and communicated Clearly defined recording procedures for guidance/ assessment To assist with audit trails and monitoring Monitoring, evaluation and review of policy and procedures
10 QA of APL in UK – Some Issues Cost – diverse client group – individual mentoring Fee – not paying for credit but for guidance process Double counting of credit – should it be allowed? Grading of credit APL allowed for whole not parts of a module Staff development crucial Advice - may be ‘not to claim APL but study the full course’ Are we asking more of our APEL claimants, regarding meeting learning outcomes, than we are of students taking the module? Variety of evidence – is there parity between different disciplines?
11 Quality Assuring APL in UK Universities Lifelong Learning - Web references Quality Assurance Agency in UK see slide 4 SEEC see slide 4 University of Liverpool – CEPD EUCEN Equipe Project – UoL Case Study 1.pdf
12 Quality Assuring APL in UK Universities Lifelong Learning: An Overview Alison J Hughes Continuing Education & Professional Development Centre for Lifelong Learning University of Liverpool Tel: