1 Three New Swinburne IT Degrees BSc(Professional Software Development) Bachelor of Business Information Systems Bachelor of Computing
2 BSc(Professional Software Development) New for 2006 (subject to accreditation) The focus is, as the title suggests, on the development of leading-edge knowledge and skills for the development of complex software systems Focuses on the development of software-based systems, in teams, using contemporary professional level tools and methods Aims to produce graduates with an understanding of software architecture and software design, not just ‘programming’
3 4-year degree with Honours and optional IBL Exit point after 3 years (no Honours), but not encouraged Focus on problem-based learning and practical application of “best-practice” techniques Course philosophy: “Join the Team”, “Engage with Staff” – apprenticeship model 4 subject “Specialisation” stream in years 2 and 3 Studio project in year 4 PSD in a Nutshell
4 Bachelor of Business Information Systems A revision of Swinburne’s Bachelor of Information Systems Degree Designed in close cooperation with industry to reflect expressed needs of industry for grads in Takes note of the changing make-up of Australia’s IT industry in the face of outsourcing and off-shoring Focus on developing analytical & problem solving skills, producing systems analysts & business analysts who excel at solving business problems, improving flows of & access to information in the knowledge economy
5 BBIS in a Nutshell Spans two disciplines, business & IT 3-year degree, plus optional year of IBL, and option to combine in a double degree with a Bachelor of Business Possible to specialise with a business, managerial and analytical focus, OR on technical aspects of information systems
6 Bachelor of Computing generalist degree probably cut-off about 5 points lower than other degrees covers the broad core of ICT, as required for professional membership of the ACS wide range of ICT and general electives the best choice of Swinburne degrees for students uncertain of their ICT interests, and who might prefer breadth to depth in their studies