Care and Feeding of Book Groups: Rewarding Discussions for Readers & Leaders Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Kaite Mediatore Stover Director of Readers’ Services The Kansas City Public Library
Marie Antoinette had a Book Club The Salon Tea parties & Coffee houses Literary $ocietie$ Study Clubs Great Books Foundation Oprah
Why Have Book Groups? Ready made experts in the library Provide a neutral gathering place for patrons Easy, cost-effective, quality program Summer reading graduates Supports Library’s stated/unstated mission to be a center for the pursuit and development of lifelong reading and readers.
Getting Started Take a survey Check Library resources Type of structure Meeting format Marketing
Why we’re here: The Book Who selects? Format Member preferences Book requirements Finding good books
Simple Enough: Read the book Reading for discussing What to look for while reading Taking (brief) notes Who’s the audience? Do you love this book? Don’t talk about it!
10 Minute Activity: Judge this book Is this book good for YOUR book group? Take five minutes to evaluate it. Consider story/subject matter, length, language/graphic content, characters, genre, etc. Tell us why the book is suitable for discussion or not.
Finding Books LibraryReads IndieNext Book Group Buzz
What we talk about when we talk about books Creating discussion topics What is the book about? What is the book really about? (do a quick plot summary) Who are these people?! Who/what do they actually represent? Look for the character that changes the most and consider reasons for the change Does the time and place matter to the way the characters behave or the way the story progresses? Why this particular title? Is it suitable? Open-ended questions solicit the best discussions
10 Minute Activity: Questions about Reading Using the book from the last activity, come up with two open-ended questions, specific to your book, that could be posed to a reading group.
Facilitating with Flair Not as tough as it looks Have a written set of guidelines Have at least 5 discussion questions/topics Do a little research During discussion Take notes Books no one liked Do not fake it (how to fake it) Readers return because of YOU!
All-of-a-kind Readers The Hostile Loquacious & Know-it-All Wild Tangents and Therapy Seekers The Procrastinator Two heads, one voice Prejudices & Pick-Up Artists
New Life and Old Groups Readers Respond Low Maintenance Some Maintenance Extra Efforts A Year of Reading Other ideas
Planning a Book Discussion 1. Select a book for your discussion. 2. How would you market this book? Who is your target audience for this discussion? 3. If you wanted to also do a companion Fiction/Nonfiction title, which title would you select? 4. If you were planning a series of book discussions, what fiction/nonfiction book would you read next and why? 5. Now make it fun! List visual aids/activities/audio aids/props that would enhance the discussion.
Programming to Promote Reading: Beyond the Book Group ry
Reading outside the Group Book & Film programs Adult Reading Programs Outside the Library Using Social Media Other
Read. Watch. Discuss: Books and Films for Discussion Groups
Character Story Pacing Frame Writing Style How we read
Time limit Character Story Pacing Frame Visual Style How We Watch
Selecting Books and Films Conversation vs. Analysis Topics to address Film/Author Background Content Splicing it together
Classic To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Pairings for discussion groups
Mystery Mystic River by Dennis Lehane
Womens’ Stories Still Alice by Lisa Genova
Literary Fiction Winter’s Bone by Daniel Woodrell True Grit by Charles Portis
Not for Kids Only Charlie & the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
Not for Kids Only Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Adult Reading Programs Logistics and Guidelines for Readers Related programming Prizes Participants Party Promoting “Jane-uary” & other themes
Readers and Social Networking Facebook Twitter Good Reads Pinterest Instagram
Cheap ‘n Easy Programs Trivia Programs Hobby Swap Read ‘em & Drink Scavenger Hunts Others?
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