The splitting of a more massive nucleus of an atom into 2 smaller nuclei, subatomic particles and energy (radiation) The splitting of a more massive nucleus of an atom into 2 smaller nuclei, subatomic particles and energy (radiation)
Massive nucleus 2 smaller nuclei Subatomic particles Energy
n + U Kr + Ba + 3 n + energy n + U ____ + Ba + 3 n + energy ___ 1 0
The joining (fusing) of 2 smaller, lower mass nuclei together, to make 1 more massive nucleus, and give off energy and subatomic particles too. The joining (fusing) of 2 smaller, lower mass nuclei together, to make 1 more massive nucleus, and give off energy and subatomic particles too.
Small Atom Massive Atom Particles given off
H+ H He + n + energy n + Kr + Ba ____ + energy ___ 1 0
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