Health and Safety:- Work Experience Ken Mason MIOSH Health and Safety Manager
Health and Safety Extended Work Experience
Health and Safety Not an option From the cradle to the grave
Modern Legislation Management of health & safety Regs. Employers must provide a:-“safe workplace”. Reduce risks. Inform their employee’s of the “risks.” Employee’s must take reasonable care of ones own health and safety. Work as instructed. Cooperate with their employer.
Modern Legislation Management of Health & Safety Regs. Employers must do thorough Risk Assessment for a “Young Person” Age of the student Maturity of the student. Phsycial capabilities Knowledge
Five to Ten Day Work Experience Observation Passing tools House keeping Making drinks Valet of vehicles Office work
Extended Work Experience Recondition of cylinder heads Rebuilding of gear boxes Replacing simple components
Health and Safety Check Management of health and safety Supervision of the student Welfare provisions Housekeeping Proposed tasks Dangerous machines
Health and Safety Check Dangerous substances Risk assessments Provision of personal protective equipment Emergency arrangements Hours of work
Health and Safety Check M.O.T
H&S -School Maintain contact with the student Check on progress of the student Follow up risk assessments for the tasks Appropriate type of work Appropriate level of supervision