The 10 habits of a proactive manager Claire Saunders, Head of Health and Safety
1. Lead by example Make health, safety and wellbeing one of your core values Own it and make it part of your job
2. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate Make it meaningful: Communicate clearly Communicate regularly Communicate consistently And most importantly: Listen!
Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
3.Show you care Know your staff Know their capabilities Treat them well And you will Get the best out of them
4.Know your stuff Take time to do the research Get trained If in doubt: Get help!
5.Keep it real Understand the work Make it practical
6.Eyes on the future Keep up to date The goalposts do change!
7.Keep a check on it Make sure you are seeing things as they really are
8.Keep records. Keep them Straight! What you are doing well? What needs to improve?
9.Give it time Taking time to get things right will pay off in the long term
10.We’re in this together Foster a team approach Collaborate and share
The 10 habits or a proactive manager 1. Lead by example 2. Communicate, communicate, communicate 3. Show you care 4. Know your stuff 5. Keep it real 6. Eyes to the future 7. Keep a check on it 8. Keep records Keep them straight 9. Give it time 10. We’re in this together
You don’t need to be superhuman to manage health and safety You just need to keep it human