Unit 1 Past and Present Reading Cai Lin Unit 1 Past and Present.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1 Past and Present Reading Cai Lin Unit 1 Past and Present

light rail ( 2002 ) Train ( 1909 ) Underground ( 1971 ) Taxi ( 1913 ) Plane ( 1958 ) double-decker ( 1990 ) Revision:transports

get married,youngfifty years later,old presentation has changed lot Past Present

Dump waste→ polluted the river→ poison killed fish much cleaner In the pastAt present Government has realized the serious problem and has taken actions to reduce the pollution.

turn into → → wastelandpark small old housesnew flats

Listen to the interview (Line1-9) and answer the following questions. 1)How long has Mr. Chen lived in Sunshine Town? 2) How many times did he move house? When? Since he moved there with his family when he was 2 years old. Twice. In 1965 and last year.

Listen while reading the rest and then fill in the form The changes to Sunshine Town in the pastat present people_______people lived in the town. Many people have _______to_______ what we had/have in the town Some small _____, shops,market _____,a small _______and an_______. A____, a large_________ and a_____ Water pollutionThe water pollution was ______. The shoe factory ______ waste ______ the river. The river is much______. feeling It was______ to see his friends. _________life is better.But he feels a bit___ from_______ 30,000 restaurants stalls post office old cinema park Shopping mall theatre terrible dumped into cleaner moved out other areas easy In some ways lonelytime to time

Useful expressions 1. get married 结婚 2. change a lot 变化很大 3. turn into… 变成为 … 4. used to dump the waste into the river 过去常常将废弃物倾倒在河里 5. reduce the water pollution 减少水污染 6. feel a bit/a little lonely from time to time 时常感到有点寂寞

1.I moved here when I was two years old and have lived here since then. 2. We lived here till 1965,when I got married 3.Sunshine Town has changed a lot over the years.. 4. It’s pleasant to play cards and Chinese chess.. 5. It’s nice to have open space and pretty gardens. 6.Government realized the serious and took action to reduce the pollution. 7. It has become more difficult to see some of my old friends. sentences

Practise the dialogue in pairs and prepare to act it out

Fill in the blanks according to the text Mr Chen lives in Sunshine Town. After he got______, he and his wife ______to a new house. Last year, they moved again when their children ______ them a new flat. In the past there were small ______, shops and market stalls in the town. Now the place has_____ a lot. The town centre is now a park. A shoe factory used to ______waste____ the river.The ______in the waste ______the river.Later the government ______the ______problem and took action to ______the ______.Many of Mr Chen’s old friends have_____ to other areas. Sometimes, they come back and go to the new park to play_____ and Chinese ______with Mr Chen, but they do not often see each other. Mr Chen feels____ from time to time. marriedmoved bought restaurants changed dumpinto poison polluted realizedserious reducepollution moved cards chess lonely

Discussion: About changes to Taizhou 1.area 2. population 人口 3. environment 环境 (river,road,street,house) 4.transport You may use some phrases and sentences in the text as a model.

changes to Taizhou pastpresent population area environment transport Small, 160,000 large,610,000 Small,120km² large,5,794km² narrow roads, small old houses dirty rivers new,wide roads/streets new flats clean rivers with trees around shopping malls by boat,bybike,bus or on foot. by electric bicycle,motor bike,taxi,,double- decker,train

Homework Write about the changes to your school Changes to our school pastpresent 50 多位教师 200 多位教师 不到 1000 名学生近 3000 名学生 2 幢大楼 8 幢大楼,一座天 桥 (footbridge) 几台电脑和空调 200 多台电脑 约 50 台空调