0 What do I already know about PARCC? True or False 1.______ PARCC is a curriculum for teachers to use in the classroom. 1.______ DC public and charter schools had a choice about whether to take PARCC this year, or whether to go back to the DC-CAS. 2.______ PARCC requires 30 days to administer. 1.______ PARCC is administered on-line for all DC public and charter schools. 2.______ Students in DCPS will be retained based on their PARCC scores if they are low. 1.______ PARCC scores determine how much money schools will get.
2 What is PARCC? Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) is a group of 11 states and the District of Columbia that have worked together with teachers and education experts to develop a set of tools that assess and measure what a student knows and can do. These assessments align with the CCSS. In DC, these tests have replaced the DC- CAS. The 2015 administration set a baseline from which to grow.
3 PARCC in DC: a Timeline In August 2010, DC voluntarily adopted new, Common Core State Standards in an effort to better prepare our children for the next steps. Schools aligned curriculum to meet the new standards. In Spring of 2014, DC began field testing the PARCC assessment to ensure readiness. 3 rd, 4 th, and 5 th grade students took the first PARCC assessment in the spring of Adjustments were made, and 2016 administration will start in April.
4 Brent’s Commitments: At Brent, we administer tests, but we do not live by them. At Brent, we want to strike a balance between understanding the importance of PARCC and letting it drive our instructional choices. At Brent, we strive to walk the ridge between helping ensure that kids are ready and confident… and teaching them to take tests. 4
5 Brent’s Teaching and Learning Goals Not too little emphasis Not too much emphasis Only giving PARCC the attention that is required to be sure students are comfortable, without letting it take over instruction Remembering that PARCC, like all other assessments is only one measure of skill or knowledge Administer PARCC in alignment with the requirements set by our district and state Seeking information that will support our teachers with the truly important teaching and learning they do through the curriculum 5
6 Where Does This Assessment Fit? 6
PARCC Outcomes: Math 7
PARCC Outcomes: ELA 8
PARCC Outcomes: Brent 9
PARCC Outcomes: Achievement Gap 10
11 What is PARCC like for Students? The test goes beyond the traditional bubble tests by utilizing different item types designed to measure critical thinking and problem solving skills. Old testsPARCC assessments Primarily used multiple-choice format. Allow students to submit answers in a variety of formats, allowing students to show their thinking. Tested discrete skills or concepts. Assess students’ abilities to read carefully, problem solve and integrate information. Offered one-step problems. Present challenging, multi-tiered problems and linked items. Format was unable to be manipulatedCan be arranged and adjusted to suit the students’ preferences.
12 Technology In DC, students will take the PARCC assessments on computer, on the TestNav platform. The technology allows for videos, interactive tools, and self-pacing. Students are the drivers of their own testing experience. PARCC is using Universal Design principles to make the new tests as accessible as possible to all students, including English learners and students with disabilities.
13 Schedule and Allocated Time Students will engage in the tests for a few days (mornings or afternoons) in late April or early May. Most students will spend about 4 hours each on the mathematics and English language arts portions of the test. Those will be broken down into smaller units: – 3 ELA units (90 minutes each) – 4 math units (60 minutes each)
14 Check It Out! 14
15 Sample Questions To take a practice PARCC test, go to
16 Sample Questions Math Grade 4
17 How You Can Support your Child Read a combination of fiction and non-fiction aloud or with your child. Look for subjects of interest. Discuss and “do” real life math with your child. Help him/her know basic math facts. Provide a quiet, comfortable place for studying at home and make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and a nutritious breakfast before a test. After the test, review the results with your child’s teacher. Above all, be positive and encouraging about the tests.
18 Parent Score Report The PARCC score report uses icons and colors combined with information to explain results and resources for more information. The report is intended to help families work with student’s teachers and school officials to decide how to support their student’s needs.
19 Additional Parent Resources Great Kids offers at-home lessons and exercises for families that are interested in preparing at home: – columbia/ columbia/ OSSE stores PARCC results publicly: – PARCC offers information about the assessments including fact sheets, a glossary and sample test questions. – National Parent Teacher Association offers grade-by-grade parent guides for student success. Available in English and Spanish. –
20 Contact Information For more information about the PARCC assessments, contact: – Presenter contact: – Local School contact: – School District contact: – OSSE contact: – PARCC contact: Your logo here