T HE H ISTORY S UBJECT C ENTRE Website Publications PG and early career support Regional networks Annual conference Special interest groups Research Grant support Strategy and policy
F UNDING AND R ESEARCH Spaces and Stories of Higher Education
T HE H IGHER E DUCATION A CADEMY We aim to inspire, promote and celebrate excellent learning and teaching in higher education. Providing academic support and services to higher education institutions and individuals.
C HANGING L ANDSCAPE Browne review and imminent white paper - England Building a Smarter Future green paper - Scotland For our Future – Wales Consultation on higher education strategy – Northern Ireland Public spending cuts across the UK
R ESTRUCTURE AND REFOCUS Continuity of provision (subject support) Build on existing areas of excellence Develop new areas of work
S UBJECT L EVEL S UPPORT Support at subject level – to academics in their discipline communities – remains at the heart of HEA’s work
P ROFILE OF W ORK Academic Practice Development Teacher Excellence Institutional Strategy and Change
A CADEMIC P RACTICE D EVELOPMENT Current Issues in Learning and Teaching: Workshop/Seminar Series Support for staff new to teaching Supporting postgraduates who teach Teaching Development grants - £1 million fund Resources centre
C URRENT I SSUES IN L EARNING & T EACHING : W ORKSHOPS & S EMINARS A series of subject-specific and thematic workshops, seminars and events Pilots of videoed, podcasted and interactive online events Good practice guidance and materials on enhancement activities, events and projects
S UPPORT FOR S TAFF ‘N EW TO T EACHING ’ Toolkit of high quality resources targeted at those new to teaching Subject-focused induction courses Online resources centre
S UPPORTING P OSTGRADUATE S TUDENTS WHO T EACH Discipline-focused workshops Planning and preparation Presentation and communication Faclitation and problem solving Participation and support Assessment and feedback
T EACHING D EVELOPMENT G RANTS Better resourced Stimulate pedagogic research and innovation Dissemination of results Promote diversity of bids Encourage collaborations
R ESOURCES C ENTRE Interactive web services for networking, sharing and disseminating Range of subject-related learning and teaching journals Tailored web facilities General and subject specialist advice
A CADEMIC L EADERSHIP R OLES STEM Arts & Humanities Health Sciences Social Sciences Institutional Strategy Teaching Excellence Discipline Leads - 28 Academic Leads - 10 Academic Development Officers – 18 Academic Associates - 25 fte ACADEMIC HEADS X 6 SUPPORTED BY PLUS National Coordinator – Scotland National Coordinator – Wales & NI