Practices concerning the implementation of SBA Mr. Lawrence Ho St Louis School
Words from an anonymous S4 English teacher I am a Super Busy Animal, working day in and out at school: marking, teaching, meetings and all the more, for the School-Based Assessment in CE English Language Examination. To me, SBA is Shocking But Adventurous. Like most of the S4 teachers, the shocks stem from uncertainties, worries and changes made to our daily teaching and assessment. However, I find it Adventurous as I enjoy exploration and discovering something novel. Though I don’t know what the future will be, I am confident that I am not alone, for You are here working with me.
WHAT are the shocks? To facilitate the adoption of a new initiative, we may need 3 Rs. Readiness Resources Relevance Are we ready? Any resources available? How does SBA relate to our teaching?
Resources for teachers, students and parents SBA handouts, guidelines, CDRs, online support from Hkedcity… Teachers training seminars, sharing sessions, PD courses… Students through introductory DVDs, sample clips on GI and IP peer observation and evaluation, discussion on assessment criteria Parents and the public …
Readiness amongst teachers and students SBA between March to May understand pre-assessment tasks and the assessment, offer scaffold in term of language input and format of assessment to students. collaboration between S4 teachers in the same school on logistics such as setting assessment tasks, assessment time, preparation time… possibilities of a school-based curriculum, or allow flexibility in the current exam-driven senior secondary curriculum. adopt vs implement Any possibility of a tailored Hong Kong SBA?
Relevance to students and teachers a high-stakes assessment 15% of CE English Language Examination in 2007 SBA ownership: Students, in general, can have a say to choose the assessment materials and prepare themselves prior to the assessments create a less-threatening and more conducive environment to perform their best. How about teachers? Do they have a share in the implementation? choice of titles?
WHAT will be the Adventures? students are more serious in their reading / watching a strong and valid reason to keep students reading stories / watching movies in S4 English lessons offer choices for students to choose from, according to their level, their preferences…
An example to share… School : A Band I / II Boys School Level : S4 student, in a mixed-ability class Book : Gladiator (Print, fiction) Time spent: around two months
Project: What is a hero? Define Hero, with examples What is a hero/heroine? Types and qualities for being a great man Sacrificing courageous Patient tender caring compassionate
Useful web support : Group work : select a hero and learn about his/her story Design a bookmark
A brainstorming activity
A study of a great hero (a scientist - Albert Einstein)
Get students to read the story “Gladitor”, keeping a reading log. Question: It is the day after the death of Maximus. Write a report for Rome’s English newspaper about his death. Tell your readers what happened in the Colosseum.
Teaching : how to write a news story Group work: Division of labor, collecting pics, writing captions, main story, headlines. Skills needed: Interactive skills, writing skills on a news report, process writing, editing and proofreading others’ writings.
Product: A newspaper page Write the same story from different perspectives: as a Roman citizen, as another Gladiator, as Commodus. Masthead Pics with captions layout of a newspaper Headlines
Presentation of their newspaper page students are eager to display their work to their peers a change in reading habit : fun, enjoyable, less boring the pre-assessment tasks offer them a context to talk about their product naturally and confidently build up their skills (linguistic, communication) so that they feel more comfortable to work on the SBA assessment task later.
- John Donne A quotation