ECE 192: NATCAR Team (Triton X) Sponsored by IEEE ( Vincent Bantigue, Joseph Formanes, Henry Kao, Puneet Khattar, Advisor: Dr. Clark Guest Week 6, 2/11/05
Agenda: Tasks Accomplished this week Magnetic Sensors Overview Motor Controller Update Time Estimate for Working Prototype Upcoming Tasks for next week
Tasks Accomplished this week: Acquired all test course components (white vinyl tape, dark carpet) Acquired parts for the motor controller; began basic testing and design Continued testing and design of IR and EMF sensors Continued microcontroller programming
Magnetic Sensors Overview: EMF sensors provide a wider range of analog readings compared to the digital outputs of IR sensors, but are more susceptible to noise Hall Effect Sensors- not sensitive enough for our purposes Use of inductors to detect the magnetic field generated by the 75 kHz sinusoidal signal propagating beneath the tape (100 mA rms +/- 10%) Inductor Filter Amplifier Rectifier Processor
Magnetic Sensors Overview (Cont.): Filter- implement a BPF, setting the center frequency at 75 kHz while minimizing the bandwidth to reduce noise Amplifier- use a non-inverting op-amp with easily-controllable gain Rectifier- diode/capacitor/resistor circuit configuration that converts the input signal from AC to DC
Magnetic Sensors Overview (Cont.): Basic EMF Sensor Design-
Magnetic Sensors Overview (Cont.): PSpice Simulation 1-
Magnetic Sensors Overview (Cont.): PSpice Simulation 2-
Motor Controller Update: Labeled Components-
Motor Controller Update (Cont.): Motor Controller Schematic- -The top two PNP MOSFET’s are working in parallel to split the current between them -The bottom right NPN is for going forward, the bottom left NPN is for braking -There is no reverse option
Time Estimate for Working Prototype Approximately 3 weeks, depending on the arrival of ordered parts/items
Upcoming Tasks for next week: Acquire all remaining vehicle components Finish assembly of motor controller and practice course Begin construction of IR sensor array Continue design and implementation of EMF sensors Continue microcontroller programming