AAR-410 January 14, FAA Airport Pavement Technology Program u National Airport Pavement Test Facility, FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.A. u New PCC Test Items u Pavement Thickness Design Software u
AAR-410 January 14, New Concrete Mix Design u 5.2 MPa (750 psi) or lower flexural strength to maximize thickness and minimize tendency for corner cracking due to curl (minimum 4.1 MPa (600 psi)). u Final mix has 50 percent cement replacement with flyash.
AAR-410 January 14, Single Test Slab Placement u Gain experience with high volume flyash mix placement and finishing. u Measure curling of cured slab. u Further refine instrument installation from that done in previous test strip. u Monitor procedures for test item curing and early age behavior. u Develop field curing methods.
AAR-410 January 14, Placing Test Slab Finished Slab
AAR-410 January 14, Field Curing of Slab, Beams and Cylinders u Soaker hoses u Burlap u Plastic u Automatic timer for water u Wet cure for 28 days
AAR-410 January 14, 20046
AAR-410 January 14, 20047
AAR-410 January 14, Results from Test Slab u Experience in placing the high flyash concrete mix. u Instrumentation installation procedures satisfactory. u Low heat of hydration with fairly uniform temperature profile during first 24 hours. u Curling minimal during 28-day cure. u Curling significant after removal of burlap and during drying period.
AAR-410 January 14, Remaining Plans for CC2 u Continue monitoring test slab behavior. u Place three concrete test items on 8 CBR subgrade. u One on grade (concrete placed by 1/30/04). u One on aggregate subbase (concrete placed by 1/30/04). u One on econocrete subbase (concrete placed by 3/12/04). u Subgrade and support placement complete. u Instrumentation complete and installed.
AAR-410 January 14, CC2 Test Objectives u Compare life and performance for 4-wheel and 6-wheel traffic. u Compare life and performance for three different support conditions. u Obtain data on SCI versus repetitions to failure. u Compare interior and edge stresses. u Measure shrinking/warping.
AAR-410 January 14, Tilling Subgrade Rolling Subgrade
AAR-410 January 14, Forms for 20-Slab Test Item
AAR-410 January 14, Placing Test Item Slabs in a Checker-Board Pattern
AAR-410 January 14, Installing Strain Gages at Slab Center Strain Gages Installed at Slab Edge
AAR-410 January 14, Pavement Software Products *All checked programs available on