First Indico Workshop Indico Hub Nicola Tarocco May 2013 CERN
How can I integrate my services with Indico?
My role at cern I am mainly a (Web) developer. Technical Student (11/2010 – 11/2011) Recording workflow: micala Fellow (01/2012 – 06/2014) Webcast – Recording – Videoconference Design and implement solutions for our services.
Indico & friends BOOK ROOM Experiment sites webcast
BOOK ROOM Experiment sites Type of friendship: the generous friend request events request events webcast request events
BOOK ROOM Experiment sites Type of friendship: Good samaritan sends data webcast
BOOK ROOM Experiment sites Type of friendship: THE ONE WHO SHOWS OFF creates bookings creates links webcast
BOOK ROOM Experiment sites Type of friendship: THE BIG BOY hide webcast hide
Indico & me I have been involved in developing and integrating services with Indico. Vidyo It is a plugin. indico/indico/MaKaC/plugins/Collaboration/Vidyo/ RAVEM It is used by Indico through API. Recording It is a plugin and it uses HTTP API to fetch events and to create links in Indico. indico/indico/MaKaC/plugins/Collaboration/RecordingManager/ Webcast It uses Indico HTTP API to fetch events.
RAVEM A very quick overview Room Audio Visual Equipment Manager For each conferencing room at CERN, RAVEM knows about: Videoconference status. Webcast/Recordin g status. Projectors. Controls automatically OnAir signs. Can be used by other services, like Indico, to get information for a room.
Videoconference An organizer creates a Vidyo booking. What is happening?
CREATE VIDYO BOOKING ROOM CREATED Vidyo Plugin WSDL API SOAP::createRoom() DISPLAY LINKS TO VIDYO when the homepage of the event is loaded by an user GET::isRoomConnected() GET CONNECTION STATUS RAVEM { connectionStatus } OROR
Recording micala Michigan and CERN Automated Lecture Archiving “Micala is a comprehensive lecture archiving system, including components for recording, processing, archiving and disseminating multimedia web lectures.” Manage all the events recording workflow, from recording to publishing in weblecture format. Open Source project: Pretty tied to CERN environment, need development for integration in other organizations.
Recording micala
Recording micala plugin in indico RECORDING REQUEST ON INDICO RECORDING REQUEST ON INDICO RECORDING HAPPENS RECORDING PUBLISHED Micala Use HTTP API to add link Micala Use HTTP API to add link INDICO PLUGIN Match event with Micala INDICO PLUGIN Match event with Micala { ‘iid’: ‘Indico Event ID’, ‘cid’: ‘weblecture_id’ } { ‘iid’: ‘Indico Event ID’, ‘cid’: ‘weblecture_id’ } INDICO Link added INDICO Link added
Recording HAPPENS
Webcast In-house website: Uses HTTP API only. Events to be webcasted need to be requested by organizer. Website retrieves next requested events from Indico and publishes them as Upcoming Webcast. Fetches automatically events on each Webcast request through Indico.
WEBCAST REQUEST ON INDICO WEBCAST REQUEST ON INDICO WEBCAST HAPPENS Users connect to webcast through link in Indico Indico informs Webcast Webcast re-fetch next events Indico informs Webcast Webcast re-fetch next events Indico creates a link in the event page REQUEST ACCEPTED
NICOLA TAROCCO Questions? We would like you to share your experiences with us! Do you have similar use-cases? Do you have the requirement or the need to integrate other services with Indico? Do you need any hints on how to integrate services? OPEN DISCUSSION