Word Study Crossroads Middle School Year One Trimester Two
The Mind The first set of Greek and Latin roots relate to the mind.
voc Latin Definition: to call, talk, speak, say, voice; word Vocabulary vociferous vociferous advocate advocate convocation convocation avocation avocation vocation vocation
vociferous Part of speech: adjective Definition: noisy; clamorous Sentences: He is her most vociferous critic. He is her most vociferous critic. He was vociferous in his support of the proposal. He was vociferous in his support of the proposal. The decision was made over their vociferous objections. The decision was made over their vociferous objections. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
advocate Part of speech: noun or verb Definition: one who speaks or writes in support of another or a cause Sentences: Noun- He is a passionate advocate of civil rights Noun- He is a passionate advocate of civil rights She works as a consumer advocate. She works as a consumer advocate. Verb- He advocates traditional teaching methods. Verb- He advocates traditional teaching methods. The plan is advocated by the president. The plan is advocated by the president. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
convocation Part of speech: noun Definition: a large formal assembly Sentences: They called for the immediate convocation of the council. They called for the immediate convocation of the council. He was the first speaker to address the convocation. He was the first speaker to address the convocation. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
avocation Part of speech: noun Definition: an activity taken up in addition to one's regular work or profession, usually for enjoyment; a hobby Sentence: Her favorite avocation is reading. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
vocation Part of speech: noun Definition: the career to which one feels one is called; any trade or occupation Sentence: I'm a carpenter by vocation, but my avocation is painting. I'm a carpenter by vocation, but my avocation is painting. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
path Greek Definition: one suffering from Vocabulary sympathy sympathy empathy empathy pathos pathos pathogen pathogen
sympathy Part of speech: noun Definition: sameness of a feeling; a mutual liking or understanding Sentences: When he lost his job, his partner showed great sympathy and support. When he lost his job, his partner showed great sympathy and support. My deepest sympathies go out to the families of the September 11 th victims. My deepest sympathies go out to the families of the September 11 th victims. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images Google Images Google Images
empathy Part of speech: noun Definition: the ability to share in another’s emotions, thoughts, or feelings Sentence: She felt a great empathy for the woman whose difficulties were described in the newspaper article. She felt a great empathy for the woman whose difficulties were described in the newspaper article. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
pathos Part of speech: noun Definition: the quality in something which arouses pity, sorrow, or sympathy Sentences: Our knowledge of his tragic end adds an element of pathos to the story of his early success. Our knowledge of his tragic end adds an element of pathos to the story of his early success. The stage play, based on the story of a farm boy, created a sense of pathos in the audience, as they remembered their own experiences. The stage play, based on the story of a farm boy, created a sense of pathos in the audience, as they remembered their own experiences. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
pathogen Part of speech: noun Definition: a microorganism capable of causing disease Sentences: Strategies to reduce the number of poultry carrying food borne pathogens could potentially decrease the number of human infections. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
geo Greek Definition: of the earth Vocabulary geothermal geothermal geopolitical geopolitical geocentric geocentric
geothermal Part of speech: adjective Definition: of the heat inside the earth Sentence: Geothermal energy is power extracted from heat stored in the earth. Geothermal energy is power extracted from heat stored in the earth. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Merriam Webster Visual Dictionary Merriam Webster Visual Dictionary
geopolitical Part of speech: noun Definition: studying or applying the influence of political and economic geography on the politics, national power, foreign policy, of a state Sentences: Each article treats selected aspects of the geopolitics of drugs in a single country or region. Each article treats selected aspects of the geopolitics of drugs in a single country or region. During the cold war, immigration was more a question of global geopolitics. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
geocentric Part of speech: adjective Definition: having the earth and its inhabitants as a center of a theory or belief Sentence: The idea of the sun traveling around the Earth is an old geocentric theory. The idea of the sun traveling around the Earth is an old geocentric theory. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
struct Latin Definition: to build, to build up, to pile, to construct, to place together Vocabulary instructive instructive constructive constructive indestructible indestructible obstruct obstruct
instructive Part of speech: adjective Definition: serving to instruct or inform; conveying knowledge or information Sentences: The teacher gave an interesting and instructive lesson in reading class. The teacher gave an interesting and instructive lesson in reading class. My mother gave an instructive demonstration of the proper way to pack a suitcase so my clothes don't arrive in a mess. My mother gave an instructive demonstration of the proper way to pack a suitcase so my clothes don't arrive in a mess. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Google Images Google Images
constructive Part of speech: adjective Definition: leading to improvement; positive Sentences: I tried to offer constructive criticism. I tried to offer constructive criticism. Your feedback was not very constructive because you did not provide enough advice on ways for improvement. Your feedback was not very constructive because you did not provide enough advice on ways for improvement. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Google Images Google Images
indestructible Part of speech: adjective Definition: something that cannot be destroyed Sentence: Diamonds are widely considered to be indestructible because they are one of the hardest known substances. Diamonds are widely considered to be indestructible because they are one of the hardest known substances. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Google Images Google Images
obstruct Part of speech: verb Definition: to block or stop up Sentences: A large tree obstructed the driver’s view of the road. A large tree obstructed the driver’s view of the road. A piece of food obstructed his airway and caused him to stop breathing. A piece of food obstructed his airway and caused him to stop breathing. She was charged with obstructing justice by lying to investigators. She was charged with obstructing justice by lying to investigators. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
Physical / Natural
bio Greek Definition: of living things Vocabulary biology biology biodegradable biodegradable biopsy biopsy symbiotic symbiotic
biology Part of speech: noun Definition: the science that deals with the origin, history, characteristics, etc. of plants and animals Sentences: In biology class, we dissected a frog. In biology class, we dissected a frog. There has been several advances in the field of biology. There has been several advances in the field of biology. In class we studied the biology of the rain forest. In class we studied the biology of the rain forest. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Merriam Webster Visual Dictionary Merriam Webster Visual Dictionary
biodegradable Part of speech: adjective Definition: capable of being readily decomposed by the action of microbes Sentence: The trash bags are biodegradable. The trash bags are biodegradable. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
biopsy Part of speech: noun Definition: the removal of bits of living tissue for diagnosis Sentence: Sarah went to the doctor for a biopsy. Sarah went to the doctor for a biopsy. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
symbiosis Part of speech: noun Definition: describes the living together of two kinds of organisms to their mutual advantage Sentences: The bird lives in symbiosis with the hippopotamus. The bird lives in symbiosis with the hippopotamus. Their professional association was one of symbiosis. Their professional association was one of symbiosis. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
gn (o) / sci Greek Definition: know, learn Vocabulary cognition cognition gnostic gnostic conscience conscience conscientious conscientious
cognition Part of speech: noun Definition: The mental process of knowing, including aspects; such as, awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment. Sentence: There are disabilities that affect cognition and judgment. There are disabilities that affect cognition and judgment. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
gnostic Part of speech: noun Definition: pertaining to or possessing knowledge Sentence: Because he believed that knowledge could free his spirit, he was considered a Gnostic. Because he believed that knowledge could free his spirit, he was considered a Gnostic. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
conscience Part of speech: noun Definition: a sense of right and wrong, with an urge to do right Sentences: The thief must have had an attack of conscience because he returned the wallet with nothing missing from it. The thief must have had an attack of conscience because he returned the wallet with nothing missing from it. The teacher emphasized that the students should let their conscience be their guide when deciding what to do. The teacher emphasized that the students should let their conscience be their guide when deciding what to do. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
conscientious Part of speech: adjective Definition: governed by one’s conscience Sentences: She has always been a very conscientious worker. She has always been a very conscientious worker. He was conscientious about following the doctor's orders. He was conscientious about following the doctor's orders. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
Conscience is the voice some people never hear until they are caught doing something wrong; while truly conscientious people are those whose consciences tell them to do the right thing even when they are conscious that they won't get caught. Helpful Tip...
morph Greek Definition: shape, form, figure, appearance Vocabulary metamorphosis metamorphosis anthropomorphic anthropomorphic morphotic morphotic morphology morphology
metamorphosis Part of speech: noun Definition: change of form, structure, substance or function Sentences: The class learned about how caterpillars undergo metamorphosis to become butterflies. The class learned about how caterpillars undergo metamorphosis to become butterflies. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
anthropomorphic Part of speech: adjective Definition: describes the attribution of human characteristics to gods or objects Sentence: I enjoy reading stories in which the characters are anthropomorphic animals. I enjoy reading stories in which the characters are anthropomorphic animals. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
morphology Part of speech: noun Definition: the study of form or structure Sentences: She wanted to gain an insight into the morphology of our political system. She wanted to gain an insight into the morphology of our political system. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Merriam Webster Visual Dictionary Merriam Webster Visual Dictionary
para Greek Definition: beside, beyond, helping, accessory Vocabulary paradox paradox paradigm paradigm parameter parameter paragon paragon
paradox Part of speech: noun Definition: a statement that seems contradictory, but may be true in fact Sentences: It is a paradox that computers need maintenance so often, since they are meant to save people time. It is a paradox that computers need maintenance so often, since they are meant to save people time. “More haste, less speed” is one example of a paradoxical statement. “More haste, less speed” is one example of a paradoxical statement. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
paradigm Part of speech: noun Definition: an example or model Sentences: Her recent book provides us with a new paradigm for modern biography. Her recent book provides us with a new paradigm for modern biography. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
parameter Part of speech: noun Definition: A characteristic element or factor; a quantity or quality that gives a particular form to the thing it characterizes. Sentence: We will discuss the parameters of the project at our next meeting. We will discuss the parameters of the project at our next meeting. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
paragon Part of speech: noun Definition: a model of perfection or excellence Sentence: The knight is a paragon of virtue. The knight is a paragon of virtue. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Google Images Google Images
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