A new comic is being designed about the start of the world. You have been asked to design the first comic strip about where humans came from. What? You are working in small groups. You will need to produce a comic strip on big paper about where humans came from. How? You must have at least 8 pictures in your comic strip (you can have more if you want!) The pictures can be drawn or printed from the computer or a combination of both. Each picture must have some text – it is up to you how you produce the text (speech bubbles – thought bubbles – captions etc) You must give the story an interesting title. The comic have given you a choice – you can either write the comic strip story as a creation theory or an evolution theory (you can’t mix them up or make up your own version!)
How do we work together ? Each person in the group must put in their fair share of work. Think about the ‘Fair Play Rules’. How long? After today’s lesson you will have 1 and a half lessons to complete your comic strip. You will also need to use homework to work on your comic strip. What materials will you have? You will have large coloured paper, pencil crayons, felts, your exercise books & the computers. You can also use anything you bring in from home. How will your work be evaluated? We will spend half a lesson evaluating your work. We will evaluate by looking at whether you did what you were supposed to do. There will also be a reward for the best comic strips.
To do well in football you need to play by the ‘Fair Play Rules’. These mean that: All members of the team consider each other. All members of the team play for each other (it’s a team effort!) People don’t foul each other. It’s the team that will do well (or not!) not individual members. The team plays to it’s strengths. All team members work hard for each other. What do the fair play rules mean for us in our classroom today?
In your own words, in the back of your books, write down what you have to do in this challenge. Don’t put any of your own ideas down yet, just stick to writing down what I’ve just told you, in your own words.
We have to…
Write down all of your ideas for your comic strip… You only have 5 minutes. Choose a scribe to do the writing. The scribe writes down exactly what is said. You need lots of ideas but, at this point, it doesn’t matter how good or bad your ideas are. Then… Look at each idea on your mind map and ask these 2 questions… Is it an idea we all like? Do we think we can make it in 1 and a half lessons? If the answers are yes, tick the idea. Then…choose your favourite idea & start designing it.
Discuss as a group how well you’ve worked today & how you think the project is going so far. As a group you need to think of … …for today’s work & everybody needs to write them in the back of their books. Discuss as a group… What do you need to do for today’s homework? What would help to have done by next lesson? Is there anything you could be getting on with at home? Is there anything you need to bring in from home? Decide on your homework as a group & write it in your planners.