The Scream by Edvard Munch Art Lesson Grade: 6 Activity: What makes you scream? Keywords: Expressionism, Color Supplies: -Crayola Air Dry Clay (about an 1.5” ball) -White construction paper - cut down to 8.5 x 11” -Black construction paper (scraps) -9 x 12 Black construction paper for matting art -Crayons -Scissors - Glue sticks or white glue -Blue tempera paint Foam brush (small) -Strong Adhesive like E600 -Wax paper -Pencils (old, will use for sculpting) -Plastic cups - Sharpie marker -Cookie sheets (2) - Water Make copies of Artist Blurb Glue to the back of black construction paper Roll out balls of clay for each student. Store in ziplock bag till ready. Place about 1 Tbls of blue paint in plastic cup and fill ¼ - ½ way with water. (not to watered down but just enough to create the resist and be somewhat transparent) and mix. Add more or less depending on how dark or light you want. Cut 9 x 12” White construction paper down to 8 x 11 Each student gets a sheet of wax paper for work surface on their desk. Line cookie sheets with wax paper for the clay to dry on Art Guide Prep : Hands On Art : 1.Students will sculpt a head form out of their clay and using a pencil can form the simple face details. It’s not supposed to be detailed, just the impression of a face. 2.Put clay head off to the side. 3.What makes you scared? Students draw a very simple background using crayons and include things that scare them. Bright colors show up best and white crayons can be used too. *Sign name with crayon
4.Explain that they don’t need to cover the whole paper with design, because the paint will be part of the background too. 5 Make sure they write their name with crayon on front too, but not where the scream figure would go. 6 Painting- make sure that it is explained that they do not want to soak their brushes in the watered down paint. You want just enough to cover up the paper. Too much will soak through the paper and could tear paper. They will see that the crayon design will pop out after the color wash. *have some paper towels handy for those who use too much water. 7 Set aside and while the paper and clay are drying, work on cutting out the body form from black scraps of paper. They can take their clay head and put it where they want on the paper to see how big they need to cut the body. They will need a body and arms. 8 These can be glued on to the background paper with white glue or glue stick, as long as the paper is not soaking wet. 9. Have students place the clay head on the cookie sheet and with black sharpie write their names underneath. These will have to be placed in a safe spot in class till dried. (1-2 days) Same with the backgrounds, they will also need to dry. I stacked them with the wax paper in-between each paper. Make sure names are on them
When everything is dry, now you can glue. I tried hot glue, but it did not hold the clay. I recommend E600 adhesive. It will take another ½ - day to dry, but dries securely. Glue on the black matt and the blurb to the back of art. Display outside classroom Finish and Display : Examples : Revised August 2014