P. Nieminen & M.G. Pia Summary of the LowE e.m. WG week and common LowE/Standard e.m. sessions Petteri Nieminen & Maria Grazia Pia Geant4 Workshop Paris, October
P. Nieminen & M.G. Pia Activities of the WG this week ] Coordination and development of the Space Example Project ] Discussions with Geant4 & IT/API collaborators on how to progress on the Advanced Example for public release ] Contribution to the Training Kit ] Session with the Standard e.m. WG to address common issues ] Discussions about future design iterations and STL migration ] Discussions about new contributions to the DNA project
P. Nieminen & M.G. Pia Space Example Project ] It started well before the workshop... ~ 3 month preparation l definition of scope, objectives etc. l contacts with relevant experts in/outside the Collaboration This week l see report by Ramon et al. we achieved the goals set for the workshop ] …and this is not the end of it l advanced examples to be released in December l requirements emerged from the project l continuing collaboration with Analysis Tools, UI/GUI and Vis groups Benefits to the whole Collaboration and user communities
P. Nieminen & M.G. Pia Training Kit ] Contribution to the Electromagnetic Physics Module (Standard/LowE e.m. WGs together) ] 1st version of basic and extended module assembled ] To be refined and complemented with l code excerpts l material from the Gallery l a physics tutorial submodule
P. Nieminen & M.G. Pia Standard/LowE common issues ] Design iteration in the energy loss domain l common Standard/LowE l specific to each category l co-working of Standard and LowE processes ] Other design details l minor issues ] Multiple scattering l applicability of current model to nanodosimetry l elastic scattering needed? ] Problem reports from LIP users l addressing common issues
P. Nieminen & M.G. Pia Design & STL migration Start addressing the future design iterations l electron-photon domain l positrons l data domain ] Womanpower and schedule issues ] Coupling between design iteration + re-implementation and STL migration December release Preliminary discussion on available resources in testing phase
P. Nieminen & M.G. Pia DNA project ] The presentation of the project in the plenary session on Tuesday triggered useful contacts with potentially interested experts Conferences ] Completed the preparation for one of the WG’s talks at MC2000 next week
P. Nieminen & M.G. Pia Conclusions It has been a fruitful week for the LowE e.m. WG Thanks to Andreas, Guy, Hajime, Mark, Satoshi!