Task Analysis Lecture # 8 Gabriel Spitz 1
Key Points Task Analysis is a critical element of UI Design It specifies what functions the user will need to perform and how each function will be achieve a specific goal It describes both the Steps to be performed and their sequence It does it within the bigger context which is the Task and Activity
Why task Analysis? Gabriel Spitz 3 What are needed? What options are needed? should they be organized? How should they be organized?
How to Perform Task Analysis Gabriel Spitz 4 Identify what is needed Think Interview Observe Specify How will I be performed Think Interview Observe
Utilizing Task Analysis Gabriel Spitz 5 UI Design Interaction Interface
Interaction within Context People act within context Context provides constraints and expectations The context for interaction can be conceptualized as a Hierarch composed of Activity Tasks Steps (Actions) The boundaries between these layers is fuzy
Hierarchy Activity Is often associated with a high level goal that is desired and satisfies a user intent. It has clear intrinsic value to the user Task Is a element of an activity that is meaningful by itself. It has little intrinsic value by itself, but it contributes to the attainment of the Activity Step or Action Is an atomic component that by itself has no intrinsic value to the user, but it contributes to task task
Interaction Design Interaction design is about designing for the Steps. It often includes: Action Information Steps are strung together to accomplish a Task Tasks in turn support an Activity
Context of Interaction Activity Format Text Tasks Font Paragraph Bullet & Numbering Step – Within Bullets & Numbering Select Style Select color Select Size of Text Click on OK
Characteristics of Task Analysis Task analysis is a method we use to describe and represent how and to what end the functions of application or a website will be used It is systematic in nature It is analytic rather the intuitive or speculative We often feel that we understand users task, but this understanding is frequently incomplete and wrong e.g. the lath operator that used cloth pin to lock one of the safety buttons Gabriel Spitz 11
Example of a Website Gabriel Spitz 12 Potential Users’ Tasks - -Gain Understanding - -Search for specific info. - -Be enticed - -Fill out forms - -Contact a person
Gabriel Spitz 13 No Yes
Uses of Task Analysis Describe how people currently perform specific tasks Describe how people in the future will perform a task Help develop training material Help identify good tasks (representative or critical) for usability evaluation Gabriel Spitz 14
Motivation for Task Analysis Ensure that what we design is congruent with users need Customers often forget their bank card in the ATM machine Ensure compatibility with users ’ characteristics Displaying date as Nov, 12, 2002 (for 12/11/02) Ensure compatibility with users ’ activity flow Do not forces the user to perform a task in an uncommon way such as reverse polish notation Gabriel Spitz 15
Expected Outcomes of Task Analysis A set of functional requirements Functions that are needed and desired by end users A set of non-functional requirements for UI design A Metaphor or a conceptual model Users describe contacts as items in a Rolodex Specification of the task flow Focus areas for UI evaluation Benchmark tasks for usability testing Gabriel Spitz 16
Extracting Conceptual Models Gabriel Spitz 17
Questions asked using TA What tasks do users perform and in what order What tasks are desired What happens when things go wrong What tools are used in conjunction with task performance Who else can impact task performance and how E.g., when using ATM consider the next person in line Gabriel Spitz 18
Include in Task Analysis Start-up tasks Power-down tasks Maintenance tasks Miss use tasks Gabriel Spitz 19
Example – Task Hierarchy Gabriel Spitz 20 Hierarchical task decomposition describes what is done and why (the level above)
Example – Procedure Gabriel Spitz 21 Procedural analysis describes how a given task is executed and the decisions involved
Selecting Tasks Start with tasks that are meaningful by themselves E.g. Replace a tire, not unbolt tire screws Select real tasks that users have faced Make sure that selected tasks provide reasonable coverage of what users need to do Select mixture of simple and complex tasks When we transition to the design stage Discard features that do not support users ’ tasks Add real task that exercise the features Gabriel Spitz 22
Structure of Task description Specify the users Roles and their characteristics Specify where inputs come from and outputs go to Working with other tools Reflect on the interest of potential users Illustrate functionality in context of work users really want to do Focus on the system users will need Not systems users say what they want Remember, Users are not always right, they often do not anticipate new technology accurately Gabriel Spitz 23
Describing Tasks Technology neutral - Say what the user wants to do, but not how the user would do it E.g., contact dept head, but not send to dept head This allow comparing different design alternatives E.g., Letter, , Facebook, Skype, etc Specific Forces us to consider how features work together Include The information that the user need for a task Both related and unrelated to software What the users sees and interacts with Gabriel Spitz 24
Using Tasks in design Write up description of task Run by users and rest of the design team Get more information where needed Rough out interface design Major screens and functions (not too detailed) Hand sketches Produce scenario for each task What user has to do and what they would see Step-by-step performance of the task use-case Gabriel Spitz 25
Gathering Task Analysis Data Gabriel Spitz 26
Methods for gathering Task Data Review documentation Observations – preferably in the workplace Interviews - preferably in the workplace Questionnaires and surveys Gabriel Spitz 27
Usage of Data Gathering Methods Documentation review Develop a high level understanding of features, task, and procedures – what is there Observation Develop a detailed understanding of tasks, and procedures in the real world – How is it used Interview Explore issues and develop use scenarios – What is missing Questionnaires Gather specific information Gabriel Spitz 28
Once we Have the Data Describe the workflow graphically This helps ensure that the task flow smoothly All or most possibilities are accounted for Tasks have a defined start and end points Verify the flow with end users Gabriel Spitz 29
Summary Answer questions before designing Who, what, where, how often Relationship between users and data What other tools do users have What happens when things go wrong Selecting tasks Real tasks with reasonable functionality coverage What should tasks look like Complete, specific tasks of what users want to do Gabriel Spitz 30