Global Chapter Chairs Congress ‘01 Your Expense Report Bruce Worthman IEEE Communications Society Supervisor, Finance and Administration ,
Your Expense Report You must submit one Even if all of your expenses are paid for You must submit receipts greater than $25 You should convert your expense report into U.S. dollars You can still request payment in your local currency Send your expense report to: IEEE Communications Society Attn: Carole Swaim 305 East 47 th Street, 9 th Fl New York, NY 10017
Your Expense Report If you drove to San Antonio= 34.5 cents/mile + tolls and gas If you used IEEE travel to book your flight, record your expense in the body of the expense report, AND in the last column (“Chrg. Dir. To IEEE”) You do not have to record your hotel room night charges if you are staying in the Marriott Rivercenter/Riverwalk. Deduct any “advance payments” you received prior to completing the expense report