by Mickey Haalman Mickey
2 Rate and Accuracy The graph will measure the improvement towards a oral reading fluency goal as compared to an Aim Line based on research based data. The graph will also compare the rate of ORF with the accuracy of ORF. Mickey
3 Find where the Excel Document is saved and double click on it to open it. There are tabs at the bottom of the page which allow movement between the Data page and the graph page. Use the arrow keys or the mouse to navigate in the worksheets. Using the ‘Tab” button only allows movement to the right. Download the graph and save it to the desktop. Mickey
4 On the Data sheet called “RTI Data”, click on each line and enter the information about the student. Using the tabs at the bottom, click on the “RTI Data” tab. Mickey
5 Type the student’s information and the goal. Enter 1,2,or 3 probes and hit enter. The graph will automatically compute the median Click on the word “label” and type in the behavior to be monitored and hit enter. All the associated labels will change automatically. Enter the # of weeks that will be monitored and the # indicating the goal, The document will fill in the goal for each week. After entering any data, save this document with the student’s name. To add additional data, it will now be able to be retrieved by that name. All cells shaded in turquoise, will be filled in automatically. Mickey
6 After following the directions on the previous page, click on the “First Report Graph” tab at the bottom of the page. It will bring up the Graph Page with a aim line plotted. On the next page, it will explain how to enter the interventions to be used and the intervention date range. Mickey
7 Click on “Chart” at the top of the page and then “Chart Options” In the “Category (X) Axis”, enter the intervention date range. Mickey
8 Click on the “Intervention” folder and enter the interventions to be used. Click, hold, and move intervention line to indicate where interventions begin. Mickey
9 Add the weekly probes, including accuracy, and that week’s date here. Enter accuracy as a whole number. As this is done, the graph will be filled in automatically. In addition, the trend line will be done. The aim line will stay constant. The trend line can change with each new weekly entry. To tab between the data page and the graph page, use these tabs. Mickey
10 At the conclusion of the monitoring period, it will necessary to state the outcome of the data and use that outcome to determine the upcoming goal and strategies. Mickey
11 In Excel, go to the graph of which a picture s is to be made. Under file, go to “Print Preview”. Mickey
12 Press the “Print Screen” button on your keyboard. What that does is to “copy” the screen rather than print it. That picture of the screen can now be “Pasted” in a document as a picture. If it is not already visible, get the “Picture” toolbar. All the toolbars can be accessed under “View” “Toolbars” at the top of the page. Use the “Cropping” tool to crop the picture so that only the graph is showing. Mickey