Home Ribbon ◦Very similar to the Home Ribbon in Word. ◦We have the Editing area that contains the AutoSum and other frequently used functions ◦The Sort and Filter section lets you sort portions of the worksheet. In our worksheet last week, I decided to sort by Hire Date. I selected the 4 rows with the employees data. Clicked on Sort and Filter / Custom Sort. I then chose column I and Oldest to Newest. Click on OK. Try it! Here is the sorted sheet: Sorted worksheet
Insert Ribbon Used mainly to insert charts
Page Layout Ribbon This is used to change how you print the worksheet. We often Landscape – which is under Orientation. One of the neatest features is the scaling. If your worksheet is just a little over 1 page, you can force it to fit on one page by scaling. It will reduce everything just a little. Click on the Scale to Fit dialog box arrow. That brings up the Page Options dialog box. ◦Select the Page tab ◦Click on Fit to ◦Be sure it says 1 by 1 ◦Click on OK
Formulas Ribbon Contains the Formulas Library that shows the built-in formulas by category
Data Ribbon The most important area here is where you can import data. If you need to bring in data from another source, you would use one of the Get External Data options.
Review Ribbon I don’t use much here. However, there is the Translate button. It will open a Research pane on the right side of your worksheet and try to translate whatever you have highlighted. In my example below, I have highlighted the cell with the word Employee.
View Ribbon This is to change how you view the worksheet on the computer screen. The Page Layout ribbon determines how the printed version appears. The View ribbon determines how the version appears on the screen while you are working.
AutoCalculate on Status Bar You can easily obtain a total, average, or other numbers in a range you have selected by using the AutoCalculate area on the Status Bar. Select a range of numbers and look at the status bar. For instance, let’s say we want to see the Sum of the Gross Pay for Sue, Art, and Bill. Select those 3 cells and look at the status bar. You will see the Average, Count, Max, and Sum of those 3 cells you highlighted. Right-click on the status bar to customize what you see there.
Templates There are many, many templates in Excel that you can use and modify. One of the most fun is a calendar. Click on Calendars and choose a calendar. Then change the year to the current year and you have a great calendar created in Excel. Play around with some of the others.
Overview from Microsoft