H/W Get out your profiles on Mao and Chiang Kai Shek. Swap with your partner: 1.Add something to theirs that you found out and they don’t have. 2.Mark it: WWW? EBI? 3.Most interesting fact award….recommendations?
RECAP…. Chiang Kai-Shek The Long March White Terror GMD Mao Zedong NRA United Front Yan’an CCP Peace Talks
How did Mao and the CCP approach peace negotiations? Hmmm, now how can we use this to our advantage?
1. After the surrender of Japanese imperialism, the important task confronting the whole nation is to consolidate unity in the country, safeguard domestic peace, bring about democracy and improve the people's livelihood so as, on the basis of peace, democracy and unity, to achieve national unification and build a new China, independent, free, prosperous and powerful. Chairman Mao, 25 August From Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung. This was a public document. 2. The speedy surrender of the Japanese invaders has changed the whole situation. Chiang Kai-shek has monopolized the right to accept the surrender, and for the time being the big cities and important lines of communication will not be in our hands. Nevertheless, in northern China we should still fight hard, fight with all our might to take all we can. In the past two weeks our army has recovered 59 cities of various sizes and vast rural areas, thus winning a great victory. In the coming period we should continue the offensive. We should gain control of whatever we can, even though temporarily. Chairman Mao, 26 August From Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung. This was an internal document, designed for the CCP only.
Mark Scheme – Source Comparison (Question 01) Level 1 (1-2 marks) Writes out sources Or… Simple comparison Level 2 (3-6 marks) Difference of views No similarity (or vice versa) Level 3 (7-9 marks) Difference of views Similarity of views Own knowledge and context Level 4 (10-12 marks) Difference of views Similarity of views Own knowledge and context Good understanding Needless to say, you are all aiming for Level 4. 真的,你可以做到这一点! Yes, you can do it!
Simple and effective steps… 1. Source 1 highlights…. 2. Source 2, however, shows…. 3. Source 2 refers to……..There is no mention of this in Source 1. The emphasis on Source 2 is very much on…….This is unlike in Source 1 which focuses upon……. 4. Both sources do show/refer to…..Source 1 says….whilst Source 2 also mentions….. 5. Overall the sources
Self-Marking Answers You are going to read through your answer and hi-light examples of the following: Identified a similarity Identified a difference Used contextual knowledge Demonstrated good understanding
Source 1 highlights Mao’s desire for peace and unity with the ending of the Sino-Japanese war in 1945, which ended the united front between the CCP and the GMD. Source 2 on the other hand shows that Mao had no intention of creating peace and unity, instead urging the CCP to ‘fight hard, fight with all our might’. Source 1 refers to the important task confronting the whole nation is to ‘consolidate unity, ‘bring about democracy’ and ‘safeguard domestic peace’. The emphasis on source 1 is very much on peace and unity. This is unlike source 2 which focuses on the continuation of the struggle to gain control of China. It is concerned that the ‘lines of communication will not be in our hands’ and talks of a great ‘victory’ which is suggestive of war. However, both sources do refer to the Japanese surrender and show an awareness that change is happening as in source 1 it mentions the ‘important task confronting the nation’ while in source 2 it states that the speedy surrender of the Japanese has ‘changed the whole situation’. Therefore, while these two sources are similar in the sense that they are written with the same context of the Japanese surrender, their message is completely different. This is due to the difference of intended audience. Source 1 is a public statement and so Mao is confirming to the GMD that he wants peace and an end to the hostilities between the GMD and the CCP. Source 2 on the other hand is a private statement, only seen by members of the CCP and reveals Mao’s true intentions which is to work to gain control of the whole of China.
Documentary to watch whilst I do file checks in class Doc on years x parts, approx. 10mins long each Watch from 7/10 in (they can watch parts 1-6 themselves at home to consolidate knowledge) Part 7 starts with CKS moving his capital from Nanjing to Chongqing in 1937 following the outbreak of war with Japan QKE&list=PL0A81BAFB1FEDA442 QKE&list=PL0A81BAFB1FEDA442