Recycling Club Recycling starts with us By :Brionna Mitchell
What is the Recycling club? It is a club in which people in our school will recycle things such as paper, plastic, and aluminum.
How did this come to part? This club was founded by me and some classmates in Mrs. Lequin's Earth Science Class ● We were having a discussion about the water cycle and ways we could help less pollutants get into our water source. ● Which gave us the idea of the Recycling club
Did You know? Did You know that the amount of waste disposed in North Carolina has increased from 6.8 million in 1991 to 11.6 million tons in 2007?
What made me want to do this club? My goal is to: get the club up and running to help our school go green to help our environment.
What are the benefits? Trash disposal decrease PBL for our students Rachel’s Challenge Project We would help our school, community, and planet Money
Research I have been doing some research and here is some information I have found. Every year North Carolinians throw away enough trash to circle the earth twice. The state picked up more than 10 million pounds of litter in That is more than one pound of litter for each state’s 8.86 million citizens. North Carolinians recycle over 85 pounds of materials a second; but we throw away over 752 pounds of trash a second. That is almost 9 times what we recycle. NC Throws away about 270 million dollars’ worth of recyclable goods each year. For example:
Aluminum We throw away more than 74 million dollars’ worth of aluminum cans each year. Recycling aluminum can save 95 percent of the energy required to make the same amount of aluminum from virgin raw materials.
Paper We throw away more than 164 million paper each year. By paper I mean : Newspaper Cardboard Magazines Office paper Mixed paper
Plastic We throw away more than 41 million in plastic each year. Producing new plastic from recycled materials uses only two-thirds of the energy required to manufacture it from raw materials.
The End Thank you!
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