Right is Right Holding out for mastery and not allowing confusion to enter the room Focus School Stockport Campus
What is it? "Right is right" basically means that when a teacher asks a question, they hold out for a complete answer, or one that would be acceptable on the test. In other words, you ask the class "What is a peninsula?" and a child responds "It's where the water indents into the land." If you respond, "Right, but it's kind of the other way around. It's the land indenting into the water," you have inadvertently reinforced the wrong answer. A better way would be to say, "No, that's a bay. You are right that it is a geographical formation. Can anyone else describe a peninsula?" Focus School Stockport Campus
Don’t confuse being a ‘kind teacher’ with being effective. Doug LeMov notes:- Hold Out for All the Way: Good teachers reward for effort, but don't confuse effort for mastery. So, if a number needs a negative sign, you don't say, "Right, John, but you need to be sure there is a negative sign." No, it's not right. You say "John, you seem to have done the math right but you have the answer wrong. Let's look--is this greater than zero, or less than zero? Less? Right! What do you need to make the answer correct. That's right, a negative sign." Focus School Stockport Campus
If we have a culture that supports it- it will work In isolation ‘Right Is Right’ just comes over as tough and demotivating. Link it to high expectations. High quality feedback. Good solid relationships built on trust and respect. Eyes on the Prize! It’s about taking the student to where they need to be; the A grade or D grade as appropriate. Focus School Stockport Campus
Right answer; right time! Some students who want to show that they already know how to solve a math problem, may come up with a solution while you're still asking for one of the steps. Back them up and have them just name the step you wanted. Teaching is not about the right answer. Teaching is about getting to the right answer. Focus School Stockport Campus
Hold out and get it right! Your students will grow in confidence and grow in real understanding. Make them work for the goal and it is all the sweeter for the effort. Focus School Stockport Campus
Doug LeMov-Teach Like A Champion LeMov is an expert in this technique and the outcomes for students at some of the most forward thinking schools in the world show the impact. If you reinforce answers that just wont do it in the exam you are setting your students up to fail. Focus School Stockport Campus