27 December 2015 First Sunday of Christmas A Gathering Around Word.


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Presentation transcript:

27 December 2015 First Sunday of Christmas A Gathering Around Word

ORDER OF WORSHIP WE GATHER Centering Music Christ Candle Welcome & Prayer Call To Worship Gathering Prayer Gathering Songs Unison Prayer of Confession Individual Silent Confession Assurance of Grace Sharing Signs of New Hope WE LISTEN & RESPOND Scripture The WORD in Song Stories of New Hope & Announcements Our Prayers Sharing Joys & Concerns Lighting God’s Candle Prayer for Our Congregation & World Lord’s Prayer Offering & Offertory Doxology & Dedication WE GO INTO THE WORLD TO SHARE GOD’S LOVE Sending Hymn Benediction & Blessing Music for Reflection Carrying the Light of Christ into the World Congregational Amen

We Gather

CENTERING MUSIC Chorale Prelude on “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming” Johannes Brahms CHRIST CANDLE We light the candle to remember God’s promise to be present when God’s people gather today. (Please allow this as time for reflection and quieting your heart and thoughts for worship.) WELCOME AND PRAYER

ORDER OF WORSHIP WE GATHER Centering Music Christ Candle Welcome & Prayer Call to Worship Gathering Prayer Gathering Songs Unison Prayer of Confession Individual Silent Confession Assurance of Grace Sharing Signs of New Hope WE LISTEN & RESPOND Scripture The WORD in Song Stories of New Hope & Announcements Our Prayers Sharing Joys & Concerns Lighting God’s Candle Prayer for Our Congregation & World Lord’s Prayer Offering & Offertory Doxology & Dedication WE GO INTO THE WORLD TO SHARE GOD’S LOVE Sending Hymn Benediction & Blessing Music for Reflection Carrying the Light of Christ into the World Congregational Amen

CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: God, you are with us. People: Alleluia, Emmanuel. Leader: Alleluia, Emmanuel. People: God is with us. All: Thanks be to God.

*GATHERING PRAYER Holy and Loving God, thank you for the gift of friendship with you and others made possible through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. May your friendship shape our lives with hospitality, kindness, compassion, and hope, so that our lives would invite others into friendship with you. Amen.

*GATHERING SONGS O Come All Ye Faithful UMH #234 Angels From the Realms of Glory UMH #220

ORDER OF WORSHIP WE GATHER Centering Music Christ Candle Welcome & Prayer Call to Worship Gathering Prayer Gathering Songs Unison Prayer of Confession Individual Silent Confession Assurance of Grace Sharing Signs of New Hope WE LISTEN & RESPOND Scripture The WORD in Song Stories of New Hope & Announcements Our Prayers Sharing Joys & Concerns Lighting God’s Candle Prayer for Our Congregation & World Lord’s Prayer Offering & Offertory Doxology & Dedication WE GO INTO THE WORLD TO SHARE GOD’S LOVE Sending Hymn Benediction & Blessing Music for Reflection Carrying the Light of Christ into the World Congregational Amen

UNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSION On behalf of the global Church, we confess our sin before God and one another. Loving and Gracious God, into the darkness of this troubled world you were born among us as true light. Forgive us, for when we ignore your light. Deliver us, when from fear we avoid your light. Heal us, that we might shine your light so the world would know your love, hope, and peace, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, we pray. Amen. INDIVIDUAL SILENT CONFESSION

ASSURANCE OF GRACE Leader: In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. People: In the name of Jesus Christ, We are forgiven. All: Alleluia. Thanks be to God. *SHARING SIGNS OF GOD’S PEACE

We Listen and Respond

ORDER OF WORSHIP WE GATHER Centering Music Christ Candle Welcome & Prayer Call to Worship Gathering Prayer Gathering Songs Unison Prayer of Confession Individual Silent Confession Assurance of Grace Sharing Signs of New Hope WE LISTEN & RESPOND Scripture The WORD in Song Stories of New Hope & Announcements Our Prayers Sharing Joys & Concerns Lighting God’s Candle Prayer for Our Congregation & World Lord’s Prayer Offering & Offertory Doxology & Dedication WE GO INTO THE WORLD TO SHARE GOD’S LOVE Sending Hymn Benediction & Blessing Music for Reflection Carrying the Light of Christ into the World Congregational Amen

SCRIPTURE Psalm 148 (moment of silent reflection upon today’s scripture) Lector: Holy Wisdom, Holy Word. All: Thanks be to God.

The WORD in Song O Little Town of Bethlehem UMH #230 It Came Upon a Midnight Clear UMH #218 Jesus, Joy of Our Desiring UMH #644 Into This (a video song for reflection by Corrigan Clay)


CONGREGATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS DECEMBER F.O.N.-A-THON Feeding Our Neighbors~ Every Sunday in December December 27 th, Bracewell Park (River & Houghton) January 6 th Epiphany Party 6:30 pm for all of New Hope people at the Purple Pub Annex. (please refer to your bulletin for additional announcements, dates, and times)

ORDER OF WORSHIP WE GATHER Centering Music Christ Candle Welcome & Prayer Call to Worship Gathering Prayer Gathering Songs Unison Prayer of Confession Individual Silent Confession Assurance of Grace Sharing Signs of New Hope WE LISTEN & RESPOND Scripture The WORD in Song Stories of New Hope & Announcements Our Prayers Sharing Joys & Concerns Lighting God’s Candle Prayer for Our Congregation & World Lord’s Prayer Offering & Offertory Doxology & Dedication WE GO INTO THE WORLD TO SHARE GOD’S LOVE Sending Hymn Benediction & Blessing Music for Reflection Carrying the Light of Christ into the World Congregational Amen

OUR PRAYERS SHARING OUR JOYS & CONCERNS For each request shared, please respond: Lord, hear our prayer.

A CANDLE TO SYMBOLIZE GOD’S GLOBAL VISION OF COMPASSION, JUSTICE, AND PEACE: ~ We pray for those in need of peace in this season when we sing of peace ~ God encounter us and help us to know the real, lasting, deep peace you offer to us in Jesus. Help us to know you as Emmanuel.

PRAYER FOR OUR CONGREGATION AND WORLD (you are invited to pray silently while the worship leader prays aloud)

LORD’S PRAYER (from the Common English Bible Matthew ch. 6) Our Father who is in heaven, uphold the holiness of your name. Bring in your kingdom so that your will is done on earth as it’s done in heaven. Give us the bread we need for today. Forgive us for the ways we have wronged you, just as we also forgive those who have wronged us. And don’t lead us into temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.

ORDER OF WORSHIP WE GATHER Centering Music Christ Candle Welcome & Prayer Call to Worship Gathering Prayer Gathering Songs Unison Prayer of Confession Individual Silent Confession Assurance of Grace Sharing Signs of New Hope WE LISTEN & RESPOND Scripture The WORD in Song Stories of New Hope & Announcements Our Prayers Sharing Joys & Concerns Lighting God’s Candle Prayer for Our Congregation & World Lord’s Prayer Offering & Offertory Doxology & Dedication WE GO INTO THE WORLD TO SHARE GOD’S LOVE Sending Hymn Benediction & Blessing Music for Reflection Carrying the Light of Christ into the World Congregational Amen

PRESENTING A TITHE AND OFFERING OF OUR TIME, TREASURE AND TALENT TO GOD This week’s food offering will be distributed to Saints Patrick & Raphael in Williamstown.

*DOXOLOGY AND SINGING PRAISE (to the tune of UMH #94) Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; O, Praise God, Alleluia! Praise God above, you heavenly hosts; Praise Father, Son, and Spirit – One; O, Praise God, Alleluia! O, Praise God, Alleluia! Alleluia! *PRAYER OF DEDICATION

We Go into the World to Share God’s Love

ORDER OF WORSHIP WE GATHER Centering Music Christ Candle Welcome & Prayer Call to Worship Gathering Prayer Gathering Songs Unison Prayer of Confession Individual Silent Confession Assurance of Grace Sharing Signs of New Hope WE LISTEN & RESPOND Scripture The WORD in Song Stories of New Hope & Announcements Our Prayers Sharing Joys & Concerns Lighting God’s Candle Prayer for Our Congregation & World Lord’s Prayer Offering & Offertory Doxology & Dedication WE GO INTO THE WORLD TO SHARE GOD’S LOVE Sending Hymn Benediction & Blessing Music for Reflection Carrying the Light of Christ into the World Congregational Amen


Connect with New Hope Mailing: Gathering: P.O. Box 744 Images Cinema North Adams, MA Williamstown, MA 01267