Our Lady of Peace Elementary School Fourth Grade Trip to the Kucsma Soybean Farm Mrs. Zeyen’s Class
We ate a snack when we arrived at the farm.
We tried soy nuts, which are roasted soy beans.
We drank bottled water because it is convenient and healthy!
We also ate granola bars, peanut butter crackers, and fruit snacks.
This is what soy beans look like up close.
Mr. Kucsma showed us how to get oil out of the soybean using a vice.
This is a paper towel with soy bean oil on it. Mr. Kucsma squeezed the two beans in a vice to extract the oil.
These are soybean pods after they have been picked off the plant.
This is a dried soybean plant with the roots.
We are learning about safety on the farm.
We learned farm equipment is very dangerous.
We got to see the farm equipment. This is a tractor.
This is a combine. It harvests the crops.
This is what the combine looks like from the side.
We are learning how the combine works.
We learned that you need to clear the field of all big rocks before running the combine over it.
These are wire spokes on the combine that harvest the corn.
This is a side view of the combine spokes.
Mr. Kucsma is driving the combine.
This is the combine working in the field.
This is the gravity wagon that holds the soybeans after they are harvested.
This is a picture of the soybeans coming out of a chute into the gravity wagon.
This is water for crops, but it is not safe to drink.
This is part of the soybean field.
We took turns sitting in the combine.
Mrs. Zeyen on the step of the combine.
Mr. Kucsma showed us wheat, soybeans and corn.
This is hay and straw bales in the loft of the barn.
Mr. Kucsma was teaching us about fertilizer.
This is used to distribute fertilizer in small fields.
This is the calculation Mr. Kucsma uses to estimate his crop yield.
We peeled soybean pods.
Soybean seed pods.
We separated the good soybeans from the bad.
We are estimating the crop yield by doing a calculation.
This is our 4 th grade class with Mrs. Zeyen.
It was a blustery, cold day on the farm. We learned a lot!