WARREN ST. JOHN Born in Birmingham Alabama Attended the Altamont School and furthered his education at Colombia University He is an American author and journalist He worked for the NY Times between 2002 and 2008 He has two novels: Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer: A Road Trip into the Heart of Fan Mania and Outcasts United
SETTING The novel takes place in America However, most of the characters are not American they come from mostly Middle Eastern and African countries as they are adjusting to life in America
CLARKSTON, GEORGIA Town of 7,200 people Only 1.1 square miles 10 miles away from Atlanta In the 1980’s and 1990’s Clarkston became the home of many refugees from all over the world The refugees started to become an issue to the residents that were already living there.
THE NOVEL The novel is about refugees coming from other countries do to troubling issues in their respective country. They are coming to America for a new beginning although it is not as what they expect it to be. There are resettlement agencies that are built in Clarkston The refugees had a one way plane ticket to America and only showed with clothes that they were wearing. The would only have government assistance for the first three months. The main character is Luma, she is a Jordanian girl from a high profile family from Amman.
THE NOVEL Luma attended college in America and chose to stay in America after that. Luma has a very fierce mindset and is very inspiring. In the novel she begins her coaching career in soccer at the American Community School as the JV’s head coach. One day she goes grocery shopping and she sees refugees playing soccer behind the store and decides to join along. She continues to go back and she realizes that these kids don’t have much so she came to a conclusion to start a soccer team for the refugees. The refugees have many gang issues which hurts the team and several players where they are involved or they are picked on.
THE TEAM The refugee soccer team also known as the “Fugees” were split up into three age groups. The book doesn’t dwell that much on the older group where the U15’s were the most troubled and the U13’s were the most bonded group. There are many issues with the U15’s that Luma is very frustrated with which causes her to cancel the season of the U15 team. The team had many issues throughout the whole novel with playing fields and residents complaining. They had to go to the mayor for better playing standards and it still took her forever to okay it.
THE TEAM They had a really tough time being accepted in the community. The rise of the team came as the residents were finally fed up with the refugees. There was always constant complaining coming from the residents and Luma deemed it as completely unfair. The team had early struggles but was able to pull it through in the end where they came across a huge loss.