the uneasy or painful sensation caused by want of food; craving appetite. Also the exhausted condition caused by want of food the want or scarcity of food in a country a strong desire or craving
This is greater than AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined
True or false
This was the highest number ever
That is 1 out of 5 kids
10.6 million kids go without
The child that doesn’t have enough to eat is not going to do well at school He or she is more likely to be sick He or she is less likely then to go onto graduate or go onto college- impact their future economic status He or she will then be less likely to feed his or her own family in later years
Refugees Migrant workers Unemployed Homeless People on fixed incomes Low socio economics *Just because a person falls into one of these categories does not mean that he or she is hungry.
Mississippi Texas Arkansas Alabama Georgia California North Carolina
That is over 22,000 people in our county