How do we know if the plan is accurate? Phil Madden EASPD May 2008 Sarajevo
1.1. The Dictatorship of the proletariat We know what people want, so we don’t need to ask.
Asking key groups 2.2. Collators Guides Brokers Lobbyists
3. Centred for Independent Living (CIL’s) User Led Organisations (ULO’s) Advocacy Groups Carers Centred
4. Learning Disability Partnership Boards In every Local Authority. Strategic Plans which must be approved by central government. Membership of officials, families, people with intellectual disability. Wide variation in quality / effectiveness / styles. Have no ultimate authority.
5. Reaching out to hard to reach groups The usual suspects danger. “The seduction of Glittering Crumbs” Giving a voice to the voiceless.
6. Aggregation of Referrals Assessments Person Centred Plans
7. Research Demographic change
8. Does the plan have substance? Not cosmetic Not diversionary